Re: [情報] 24 計畫重回小螢幕!
由於 Kiefer的 Touch收視不好,兩季就會終結,
使得 24的復活計畫更加穩固。
目前福斯預定了 13集。
但 13集就不會是 real-time了,
With Kiefer Sutherland and Fox plotting the return of Jack Bauer, we’re
hearing some additional details about the plan.
You already figured this out, but now we can say with certainty: Touch isn’t
coming back for a third season. The mystical drama was shifted to Friday
nights this season where it struggled in the ratings. Even without a 24
revival, it was considered pretty much dead in the water.
For 24 miniseries/limited series, we’re hearing Fox is actually currently
looking at a 13-episode order for the show. For a cable series, that’s
actually a full season (heck, for HBO’s Game of Thrones, it’s more than a
full season). So that would be a pretty significant potential order to bring
back Bauer.
Fox had no comment. Hopefully there will be clarity at the network’s upfront
presentation Monday.
Of course, a 13-episode order does raise the question: Will 24 continue in
its real-time format, but just follow Bauer over the course of 13 hours? That
would sort of botch the title, though, right? Or will Bauer face another
24-hour adventure, but the narrative will skip time? It would be great to see
Bauer get on L.A.’s 405 freeway at the end of one episode and arrive at his
destination two hours later at the start of the next episode — now that
would be realistic action!
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