Re: [歌手] Lady A新歌Just A Kiss

看板CountryMusic (鄉村音樂)作者 (大胃王)時間14年前 (2011/05/12 18:14), 編輯推噓7(704)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串4/5 (看更多)
首週 Hot 100 at No. 7 Digital Songs at No. 3 (211,000) 締造鄉村團體史上最佳首週 前一記錄保持人為休葛蘭的黏像膠NO.20 As with Lopez, an "Idol" performance last Thursday aids Lady Antebellum, whose "Just a Kiss" blasts onto the Hot 100 at No. 7, marking the highest debut for a country group in the chart's 52-year history. (Sugarland previously held the record with a No. 20 start for "Stuck Like Glue" the week of Aug. 14, 2010). The first single from the trio's forthcoming third studio album launches on Digital Songs at No. 3 (211,000). As previously reported, the ballad storms the Country Songs airplay chart at No. 28 with 6 million in first-week audience. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/12 18:17, , 1F
阿哈! 又有新綽號了嗎, 這個我喜歡 XD
05/12 18:17, 1F

05/12 18:19, , 2F
05/12 18:19, 2F

05/12 18:21, , 3F
休葛蘭 LOL
05/12 18:21, 3F

05/12 18:24, , 4F
XD 怕大家看到覺得我很蠢 哈哈
05/12 18:24, 4F

05/12 18:31, , 5F
05/12 18:31, 5F

05/12 19:26, , 6F
休葛蘭 XDDD
05/12 19:26, 6F

05/12 21:09, , 7F
05/12 21:09, 7F

05/12 21:09, , 8F
可惜鄉單榜無法打破Rascal Flatts保持的團體debut紀
05/12 21:09, 8F

05/12 21:10, , 9F
錄 "Take Me There" debut #24
05/12 21:10, 9F

05/14 14:36, , 10F
05/14 14:36, 10F

05/18 13:10, , 11F
休葛蘭 XDD
05/18 13:10, 11F
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文章代碼(AID): #1DoxCPfv (CountryMusic)