[LIVE] 05月09日實況文

看板DJ_Ken作者 (KOAKUMANIA)時間16年前 (2009/05/09 21:55), 編輯推噓126(126085)
留言211則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
v( ̄︶ ̄)y 缺席了兩天實況,今天復活啦啊哈哈哈w by 想要寫動畫心得卻不知不覺從頭又看到尾 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 21:56, , 1F
On the road~ 今天去敗了XD
05/09 21:56, 1F

05/09 21:57, , 2F
On the road~ 所以今天是這個?
05/09 21:57, 2F

05/09 21:57, , 3F
On the road~ 太棒了
05/09 21:57, 3F

05/09 21:58, , 4F
On the road~ 科科科科科科科wwwwww
05/09 21:58, 4F

05/09 22:00, , 5F
On the road~ 人好少 A_A
05/09 22:00, 5F

05/09 22:01, , 6F
On the road~ 今天又有新梗了XD 今天敗了hide精選~~
05/09 22:01, 6F

05/09 22:01, , 7F
On the road~ hide精選我也敗了XD 很讚 科科
05/09 22:01, 7F

05/09 22:03, , 8F
On the road~ 真是… XD"
05/09 22:03, 8F

05/09 22:03, , 9F
the road~ 欺負長id= =
05/09 22:03, 9F

05/09 22:05, , 10F
On the road~ T_T
05/09 22:05, 10F

05/09 22:05, , 11F
On the road~ 我要過幾天才能去敗...QQ
05/09 22:05, 11F

05/09 22:05, , 12F
On the road~ 推~
05/09 22:05, 12F

05/09 22:05, , 13F
On the road~ 先推一下
05/09 22:05, 13F

05/09 22:05, , 14F
On the road~ 我肚子餓
05/09 22:05, 14F

05/09 22:06, , 15F
On the road~ 飽到很想吐...
05/09 22:06, 15F

05/09 22:07, , 16F
On the road~ 今天好寒冷 聖誕快樂啊︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿
05/09 22:07, 16F

05/09 22:07, , 17F
On the road~ 應該是5月9日吧
05/09 22:07, 17F

05/09 22:07, , 18F
On the road~ 科科
05/09 22:07, 18F

05/09 22:08, , 19F
the road~ yoko和涼介生日快樂~~~~~~
05/09 22:08, 19F

05/09 22:09, , 20F
n the road~ 海豆…剛剛那個
05/09 22:09, 20F

05/09 22:09, , 21F
On the road~ XDDDDDDD
05/09 22:09, 21F

05/09 22:09, , 22F
On the road~ 剛剛是蕩婦團的新歌XDDD
05/09 22:09, 22F

05/09 22:10, , 23F
On the road~ XDDDDDDD
05/09 22:10, 23F

05/09 22:10, , 24F
On the road~ 講到蕩婦團我就想到Ju鬍子佬.....(怒)
05/09 22:10, 24F

05/09 22:10, , 25F
the road~ 最近BL版好嗨XDDDD
05/09 22:10, 25F

05/09 22:10, , 26F
On the road~ 被嚇到 囧 新專輯試聽超好聽>w<
05/09 22:10, 26F

05/09 22:12, , 27F
On the road~ BL板的提名超熱鬧的XDDDD
05/09 22:12, 27F

05/09 22:13, , 28F
On the road~ 大家已經迷上整齊梗了嗎XDD
05/09 22:13, 28F

05/09 22:13, , 29F
n the road~ 我想到去年我被激到去提名就 orz
05/09 22:13, 29F

05/09 22:13, , 30F
On the road~ 科科科科wwww
05/09 22:13, 30F

05/09 22:14, , 31F
the road~ 我提了(羞)
05/09 22:14, 31F

05/09 22:14, , 32F
n the road~ 今年除非又被激一次,不然不會去提的 = =+
05/09 22:14, 32F

05/09 22:15, , 33F
On the road~ 派麵粉還有莫妃 你們還在這裡幹嘛!!
05/09 22:15, 33F

05/09 22:16, , 34F
On the road~ 薰是不是少說了一個人啊(笑)
05/09 22:16, 34F

05/09 22:16, , 35F
the road~ sakurai XDDDDDDDDD
05/09 22:16, 35F

05/09 22:16, , 36F
On the road~ 薰少說了一個 科科
05/09 22:16, 36F

05/09 22:17, , 37F
On the road~ 那薰你在這又是幹麻呢="=
05/09 22:17, 37F

05/09 22:17, , 38F
On the road~ 噗 誰啊(☆_☆)
05/09 22:17, 38F

05/09 22:18, , 39F
the road~ v( ̄︶ ̄)y
05/09 22:18, 39F
還有 132 則推文
05/09 23:12, , 172F
On the road~ 科科
05/09 23:12, 172F

05/09 23:13, , 173F
On the road~ R:「這句話到底現在被怎麼用了…」
05/09 23:13, 173F

05/09 23:13, , 174F
On the road~ 他們到底要單飛多久啊
05/09 23:13, 174F

05/09 23:14, , 175F
On the road~ Tacky
05/09 23:14, 175F

05/09 23:14, , 176F
On the road~ SD動畫起碼看了十次有了 還是看不膩(炸)
05/09 23:14, 176F

05/09 23:14, , 177F
the road~ 單飛快一年了吧= =
05/09 23:14, 177F

05/09 23:15, , 178F
On the road~ 科科
05/09 23:15, 178F

05/09 23:15, , 179F
the road~ 連跨年都把他們分開
05/09 23:15, 179F

05/09 23:18, , 180F
the road~ 翻成登峰造極啊= =
05/09 23:18, 180F

05/09 23:20, , 181F
the road~ 狼都不見了(誤)
05/09 23:20, 181F

05/09 23:20, , 182F
the road~ 中丸和上田的solo好聽> <
05/09 23:20, 182F

05/09 23:22, , 183F
On the road~ 噗
05/09 23:22, 183F

05/09 23:22, , 184F
On the road~安藤君快回來!!!
05/09 23:22, 184F

05/09 23:23, , 185F
05/09 23:23, 185F

05/09 23:24, , 186F
On the road~ KAT-TUN
05/09 23:24, 186F

05/09 23:24, , 187F
the road~ NEWS KT HSJ新作品在同一天發行是陰謀= =
05/09 23:24, 187F

05/09 23:26, , 188F
On the road~
05/09 23:26, 188F

05/09 23:27, , 189F
On the road~ 飛鳥要來台灣拉~~
05/09 23:27, 189F

05/09 23:28, , 190F
On the road~ 永遠的恰克與飛鳥 好懷念啊
05/09 23:28, 190F

05/09 23:31, , 191F
On the road~ 那天無意間發現…原來我阿姨喜歡恰克與飛
05/09 23:31, 191F

05/09 23:32, , 192F
On the road~ 恰克飛鳥是我的青春T口T
05/09 23:32, 192F

05/09 23:36, , 193F
On the road~ 7/4是個好日子= =+
05/09 23:36, 193F

05/09 23:36, , 194F
On the road~ 7/4...
05/09 23:36, 194F

05/09 23:37, , 195F
On the road~ 7/4............
05/09 23:37, 195F

05/09 23:37, , 196F
On the road~ 就是這首歌!!ya!ya!ya!我的青春!
05/09 23:37, 196F

05/09 23:37, , 197F
the road~ 有小道說今年J家控會是某前輩團
05/09 23:37, 197F

05/09 23:37, , 198F
On the road~ T口T
05/09 23:37, 198F

05/09 23:38, , 199F
the road~ TEGOMASU有唱過這首!!!!!!!
05/09 23:38, 199F

05/09 23:39, , 200F
the road~ 和恰克飛鳥合唱的> <
05/09 23:39, 200F

05/09 23:40, , 201F
05/09 23:40, 201F

05/09 23:40, , 202F
On the road~
05/09 23:40, 202F

05/09 23:42, , 203F
On the road~ 要去睡了晚安 派麵粉清認真讀書ww
05/09 23:42, 203F

05/09 23:42, , 204F
On the road~ 晚安XD
05/09 23:42, 204F

05/09 23:42, , 205F
On the road~ 薰~晚安~881
05/09 23:42, 205F

05/09 23:51, , 206F
On the road~
05/09 23:51, 206F

05/09 23:51, , 207F
On the road~ 在光碟山裡挖出卒業M…
05/09 23:51, 207F

05/09 23:54, , 208F
On the road~~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~
05/09 23:54, 208F

05/09 23:57, , 209F
On the road~ 媽媽~~~~~~~~~~~
05/09 23:57, 209F

05/09 23:57, , 210F
On the road~ 來回憶一下卒業M XD
05/09 23:57, 210F

05/10 00:01, , 211F
On the road~
05/10 00:01, 211F
文章代碼(AID): #1A1OjAnF (DJ_Ken)
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文章代碼(AID): #1A1OjAnF (DJ_Ken)