Re: [問題] 阿拉斯加金礦的賭注第六季

看板DiscoveryNGC (Discovery/國家地理/旅遊生活頻道)作者 (It's Shiiiiiiiit)時間9年前 (2016/03/19 07:33), 編輯推噓6(602)
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題外話 老爺爺走了 R.I.P. Gold Rush Patriarch John Schnabel Dies at 96: 'He Was a True Legend' Gold Rush family patriarch John Schnabel has died at age 96.
"We couldn't have asked for a better father, grandfather and overall family man," the Schnabel family tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement. "He was a true legend and we appreciate all of your love and support as we celebrate his wonderful life." Schnabel purchased the Gold Nugget Mine in Porcupine Creek, Alaska nearly 30 years ago when at age 68 he faced a health crisis. Doctors told him that the needed to remain active after undergoing a triple bypass, and he saw the mine as a way to accomplish that as well as to have a place to take his family.
He passed along his gold mining knowledge to grandsons Payson and Parker, who took over operations from Schnabel at age 16. Schnabel was born in 1920 to a Kansas wheat farmer, who fled to Alaska after U.S. Marshals came looking for him for brewing bootleg alcohol. At age 19, Schnabel joined his father on a sawmill in Haines, Alaska. A few years later in 1941, he volunteered to serve his country after the Pearl Harbor bombing, and he served in the Air Corps until 1946. After the war, he wed Erma Dire in 1950 and the couple had five children. Discovery is airing a special featuring Schnabel and his grandson Parker Friday at 9 p.m. The network is also honoring him with a memorial card on-air ahead of a two-hour Gold Rush event at 7 p.m. ET. Gold Rush Legends: Parker Schnabel airs Friday at 9 p.m. ET. ※ 引述《Ciokk (喔耶~)》之銘言: : 我知道有些人直接看網路上國外的集數 : 因為我不知道哪裡可以看 : 所以想要問一下 國外應該撥到這一季的中間了 : 請問一下 今年派克是不是很慘 : 然後維京人的船到底要不要整修一翻了? : 因為台灣集數目前看起來派克今年很辛苦 : 我很想知道他今年的狀況如何 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/19 10:38, , 1F
03/19 10:38, 1F

03/19 13:34, , 2F
是大金塊 帕克的爺爺嗎
03/19 13:34, 2F

03/19 18:07, , 3F
對 不過都96歲了也算是活得夠本了
03/19 18:07, 3F

03/20 01:26, , 4F
有看到 我還蠻喜歡派克爺爺的
03/20 01:26, 4F

03/22 21:47, , 5F
很喜歡德可達BOYS 希望能回來
03/22 21:47, 5F

03/24 03:11, , 6F
03/24 03:11, 6F

04/25 17:57, , 7F
RIP 帕克爺爺是這節目我最喜歡的人物 QQ 應該是這個
04/25 17:57, 7F

04/25 17:58, , 8F
04/25 17:58, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1Mx913kg (DiscoveryNGC)
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文章代碼(AID): #1Mx913kg (DiscoveryNGC)