[轉錄][分享] Doctor Who至今的集數資料

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※ [本文轉錄自 EAseries 看板 #1C2JMgtv ] 作者: bldm (時光之輪無情流轉) 看板: EAseries 標題: [分享] Doctor至今的集數資料 時間: Sat Jun 5 01:19:34 2010 今天很無聊 稍微整理了一下 文章可能有點冗長 有興趣的人就看下去吧 首先是目前的11位博士 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:10dr19.jpg
(Top) L-R: William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker (Middle) L-R: Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann (Bottom) L-R: Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith 分別扮演的時期 First Doctor, played by William Hartnell (1963–1966) Second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton (1966–1969) Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee (1970–1974) Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker (1974–1981) Fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison (1981–1984) Sixth Doctor, played by Colin Baker (1984–1986) Seventh Doctor, played by Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989,1996) Eighth Doctor, played by Paul McGann (1996) Ninth Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston (2005) Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant (2005–2010) Eleventh Doctor,played by Matt Smith (2010–????) 接下來是影集集數的資料 因為有整理Doctor夥伴的資料 所以有加入了來源的年代 括弧內指的是種族 TL是Time Lord的縮寫 H則是指Human 至於其他的種族就會打全名 舊版的部份 [年份] [Doctor] [夥伴] [夥伴備註(種族)] Season1-4 1st Doctor Susan Foreman Doctor的孫女(TL) (1963-1966) Barbara Wright 1963(H) Ian Chesterton 1963(H) Vicki 25世紀(H) Steven Taylor 沒說明的未來(H) Katarina 古希臘(H) Sara Kingdom 西元4000年(H) Dodo Chaplet (H) Polly 1966(H) Ben Jackson 1966(H) Season4-6 2nd Doctor Polly Wright 1966(H) (1966-1969) Ben Jackson 1966(H) Jamie McCrimmon 1746(H) Victoria Waterfield 1866(H) Zoe Heriot 21世紀(H) Season7-11 3rd Doctor Liz Shaw 20世紀(H)-UNIT (1970-1974) Jo Grant 20世紀(H)-UNIT Sarah Jane Smith 20世紀(H) Season12-18 4th Doctor Sarah Jane Smith 20世紀(H) (1974-1981) Harry Sullivan 20世紀(H)-UNIT Leela 遙遠的未來(H) K-9 (I)(II) 51世紀 Romana (I) (TL):1978-1979 Romana (II) (TL):1979-1981 Duggan Adric (Alzarian) Tegan Jovanka 1981(H) Nyssa 1981(H) Season19-21 5th Doctor Adric (Alzarian) (1981-1984) Nyssa 1981(H) Tegan Jovanka 1981(H) Vislor Turlough (Trion) Kamelion (Android) Peri Brown 1984(H) Season21-23 6th Doctor Peri Brown 1984(H) (1984-1986) Mel Bush 20世紀(H) Season24-26 7th Doctor Mel Bush 20世紀(H) (1987-1989) Ace 20世紀(H) Movie 8th Doctor Grace Holloway 20世紀(H) (1996) 2005年開始的新版部分 [年份] [Doctor] [夥伴] [夥伴備註(種族)] Season1 9th Doctor Rose Tyler 21世紀(H) (2005) Adam Mitchell 2012(H) Jack Harkness 51世紀(H) 2005-CIN 10th Doctor Rose Tyler 21世紀(H) 敘說Doctor剛轉生後發生的事情導致後來差點墜毀 2005-SP 10th Doctor Rose Tyler 21世紀(H) (聖誕節:The Christmas Invasion) Season2 10th Doctor Rose Tyler 21世紀(H) (2006) Sarah Jane Smith 21世紀(H) K-9 Mark (III) 21世紀 Mickey Smith 21世紀(H) 2006-CIN 和DW內容無相關 2006-SP 10th Doctor Donna Noble 21世紀(H) (聖誕節:The Runaway Bride) Season3 10th Doctor Martha Jones 21世紀(H) (2007) Jack Harkness 21世紀(H)-Torchwood 2007-CIN 10th Doctor 5th Doctor 兩任博士在TARDIS上碰頭造成的問題 2007-SP 10th Doctor Astrid Peth 2008(??) (聖誕節:Voyage of the Damned) Season4 10th Doctor Donna Noble 21世紀(H) (2008) Rose Tyler 21世紀(H) Sarah Jane Smith 21世紀(H) K-9 (III) 21世紀(H) Mickey Smith 21世紀(H) Martha Jones 21世紀(H)-UNIT Jack Harkness 21世紀(H)-Torchwood 2008-SP 10th Doctor Jackson Lake 1851(H) (聖誕節:The Next Doctor) 2009-SP 10th Doctor Lady Christina de Souza 21世紀(H) (復活節︰Planet of the Dead) 2009-SP 10th Doctor Adelaide Brooke 2059(H) (秋季:The Waters of Mars) 2009-SP 10th Doctor Wilfred Mott 21世紀(H) (聖誕節:The End of Time (1)) 2010-SP 10th Doctor Wilfred Mott 21世紀(H) (元旦:The End of Time (2)) Season5 11th Doctor Amy Pond 21世紀(H) (2010) Rory Williams 21世紀(H) 不知道這樣整理會不會讓人看不懂~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/05 01:41,
清楚有條理 推一個!
06/05 01:41

06/05 02:14,
06/05 02:14

06/05 02:15,
推一個用心!! <- (不知道要從哪集看起的人)
06/05 02:15

06/05 03:03,
06/05 03:03

06/05 04:37,
大推! 是說2005之前的要去哪找來看阿 XD 超想看的
06/05 04:37

06/05 04:38,
06/05 04:38

06/05 05:29,
我跟樓上一樣,我當初有買DVD 超時空奇俠XD ^_^
06/05 05:29

06/05 10:30,
06/05 10:30

06/05 10:47,
我舊版的只有看過1-01 因為是黑白又沒字幕
06/05 10:47

06/05 10:47,
所以就沒繼續看下去了 然後還看過1996的電影版
06/05 10:47

06/05 10:48,
其實最早一開始接觸這一個系列的 是因為找到Torchwood在看
06/05 10:48

06/05 10:48,
06/05 10:48

06/05 15:32,
推 好清楚的介紹
06/05 15:32

06/05 19:43,
推啊 好用心喔
06/05 19:43

06/06 08:54,
Rose Tyler也能確認年份,10代最後見Rose時有說是哪一
06/06 08:54

06/06 08:54,
06/06 08:54

06/06 12:28,
06/06 12:28

06/07 10:13,
06/07 10:13

06/07 10:14,
06/07 10:14

06/07 12:08,
06/07 12:08

06/07 15:23,
九月有John Simm的Hamlet!(新版三隻Timelords都演過耶)
06/07 15:23

06/07 15:45,
06/07 15:45

06/07 19:07,
06/07 19:07

06/08 00:56,
噗嗤 暴動嗎XDDD
06/08 00:56

06/08 15:06,
06/08 15:06

06/08 15:06,
06/08 15:06

06/08 15:07,
oh~What a world!!
06/08 15:07

06/08 23:30,
我是只屬於小10的Master 就知道JS和DT有曖昧XDDD
06/08 23:30

06/08 23:30,
當初有訪問JS飾演Master的感想 JS有說 被DT抱在懷裡
06/08 23:30

06/08 23:31,
感覺真不錯 不過後來DT哭的太激動 假睫毛掉到JS臉上
06/08 23:31

06/08 23:31,
06/08 23:31

06/09 01:34,
06/09 01:34
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文章代碼(AID): #1C4qb6OT (DoctorWho)