Re: [心得] 707 the ring of Akhaten
看板DoctorWho作者jurian0101 (Hysterisis)時間11年前 (2013/04/08 04:29)推噓12(12推 0噓 42→)留言54則, 14人參與討論串2/3 (看更多)
by 網民 heathcliffe bird
: "So... Girl with stripey face needs to sing a song to keep ancient god
: happy... Except its not a god, its a mummy. Except its not a mummy, its a
: vampire. Except its not singing, it's sacrificing. Except its not the
: vampire, its the sun. Except its not a sun, its a parasite. But the doctor
: pours his history into it to fix it. And it dies. or doesnt. But Clara pours
: her leaf into it, to fix it. But is the 'never happened' that wins. And then
: its dead. Or happy. Or something. And she gets her mums ring back, 'cause
: they love her."
: I'm such a fan boy for this show, but this weeks storyline was beyond
: terrible... I really hope I missed the point of it and its there for a
: reason... Otherwise my argument about this being one of the greatest things
: on tv just took a severe dent.
DW這種偏Fantasy/SF的劇總有那種劇情點的決勝時刻,能否抓住觀眾的心的'wow moment'
成功就沒天理了) 這些場景打不動包括我在內的很多觀眾啊。
的編劇大人怎麼寫出這種東西= =
是一個叫Neil Cross的紐西蘭人,這集是他的初試啼聲然後下下集又是他QQ別鬧了好不好
- - - -
尼爾蓋曼寫的604 The Doctor's Wife 就不用說了,本季末他將回歸再貢獻一集,我們
然後第六季嚇死人不償命的 609 Night Terrors 跟 611 The God Complex 也是讓我非常
想回去看......某種程度又不太想回去看的好劇。不過這兩位編劇,Mark Gatiss (驚,
這不是Mycroft,捲福他哥嗎) 跟 Toby Whithouse 都很資深,果然生嫩之別,效果十分
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※ 編輯: jurian0101 來自: (04/08 04:29)
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