[心得] 6-21的ER

看板ER (急診室的春天)作者 (ER迷)時間22年前 (2002/08/31 22:41), 編輯推噓0(000)
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看到Carol追求自己的soulmate而決定回到Doug身邊時... 其實滿感動的.... 當然啦 看到Carol跟Luka"告別"時 我個人小小的為Luka而感到悲傷... 因為還是很希望Carol可以留下來啦.... 我覺得Carol向Luka說的那番話時 應該可以讓Luka稍稍釋懷一點吧.... 因為Carol言詞之間 充滿了對Doug濃濃的愛意.... 雖然Luka眼神充滿不捨 但是我想他應該也知道這不能強求的吧.... 感覺Doug跟Carol在一起的時候 還是覺得很sweet啦.... (不過感覺Clooney比起第五季的他稍稍胖了一些些的說....) 看到那個深愛妻子的丈夫在臨走前跟Carol說的那番話 滿感動的.... Carol聽到這番話時 也決定飛到Seattle去找她的soulmate吧.... Father: Do you believe that we have soulmates? That's the only person we suppose to find, the only one we can really love. I didn't used to, but I do now. She was the love in my life. I never love anyone again like the way I loved her. by the way, 看到Carter因為服用鎮定劑而差點害死一個病人時的自責 感到滿難過的.. Carter心裡的難過 我想是旁人所無法理解的吧.... 將Carol跟Luka最後的對話po上 當做是最後的紀念吧..... Carol: Luka, I can't have dinner with you tonight. Luka: Ok! Carol: I'm so sorry! Luka: For what? Carol: I have to go to find out! Luka: Find out what? Carol: If he still loves me, because I'm still in love with him. I'm in love with him since I'm 23 years old. I am. He's everything to me. He is my life. I feel complete when I'm with him. I feel empty when we're apart. He's the father of my children, and he's my soulmate. You'll find someone, you will. You're such a wonderful man. She's out there, she is. Someone will love you like your wife did. You'll find her, you will. ( Carol kisses Luka's forhead and both cheeks) You'll find her! 然後Carol就離開了ER 坐往飛向Seattle的飛機了..... -- 第六季的ER好好看.....^___^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nanxing 來自: (08/31 22:41)
文章代碼(AID): #zSDM09N (ER)
文章代碼(AID): #zSDM09N (ER)