[小道] Rachel的老爸們揭曉

看板Glee作者 (閒祭秋)時間13年前 (2012/01/19 10:40), 編輯推噓9(908)
留言17則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
JANUARY 17, 2012 07:52 PM PST Glee Exclusive: Rachel's Gay Dads Revealed! As far as parental cliffhangers go, it’s second only to the identity of the Mother on a certain CBS sitcom: Glee has finally cast Rachel’s gay dads, and TVLine can reveal which musically-inclined actors landed the plum parts. A show insider confirms to TVLine exclusively that onetime Law & Order: Criminal Intent detective Jeff Goldblum and Broadway veteran Brian Stokes Mitchell have been tapped to play Hiram and LeRoy Berry, the adoptive parents of Lea Michele’s character. The duo will first appear in the show’s Valentine’s Day episode — which as luck would have it will actually air on Feb. 14, and is titled “Heart.” And yes, they will sing. Although Goldblum is best known for his movie and TV work, he’s also an accomplished jazz pianist who made his Broadway debut back in 1971 in the Tony-winning musical Two Gentleman in Verona. Mitchell, meanwhile, is something of a Great White Way legend, having appeared in dozens of high-profile productions including Jelly’s Last Jam, Ragtime, Man of La Macha and Kiss Me Kate (for which he won a 2000 Tony Award for Best Actor.) His TV credits include playing Kelsey Grammer’s onscreen nemesis on Frasier and a love interest for Vanessa Williams’ Wilhelmina on Ugly Betty. 原文與照片 http://0rz.tw/mmQXH 這兩位我都不認識... 其中一位在UB的角色我也沒有印象 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/19 11:29, , 1F
Brian Stokes Mitchell是百老匯傳奇大咖,據說有他等於有入
01/19 11:29, 1F

01/19 11:31, , 2F
01/19 11:31, 2F

01/19 11:33, , 3F
所以皮膚應該是褐色。 重點,他是Lea的偶像之一~~~
01/19 11:33, 3F

01/19 11:34, , 4F
Jeff Goldblum是侏儸紀公園的數學家、ID4拯救世界的英雄!
01/19 11:34, 4F

01/19 11:35, , 5F
照片右邊是Although Goldblum...聽說滿高的?!
01/19 11:35, 5F

01/19 11:36, , 6F
太懶複製失敗~~XDDD 對啦~他叫Jeff...orz
01/19 11:36, 6F

01/19 11:37, , 7F
01/19 11:37, 7F

01/19 11:40, , 8F
01/19 11:40, 8F

01/19 11:51, , 9F
推樓上! XD
01/19 11:51, 9F

01/19 13:30, , 10F
現在畢業生裡就Mer Britt的父母還沒露過臉吧~而且目前都沒
01/19 13:30, 10F

01/19 13:31, , 11F
消息咧~真心希望Britt媽可以由Lisa Kudrow來飾演XDD
01/19 13:31, 11F

01/19 14:25, , 12F
原來是照片誤導了... 演侏羅紀公園那位我認得
01/19 14:25, 12F
※ 編輯: samchiu 來自: (01/19 14:27)

01/19 16:19, , 13F
Lisa Kudrow+1..兩母女可以一起唱smelly cat...哈哈哈
01/19 16:19, 13F

01/20 02:44, , 14F
01/20 02:44, 14F

01/20 03:00, , 15F
01/20 03:00, 15F

01/20 04:31, , 16F
http://t.co/bpbZZtEN 父女合照~www
01/20 04:31, 16F

01/20 06:39, , 17F
01/20 06:39, 17F
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