Re: [情報] Stars在他們Facebook上的訊息

看板Indie-pop作者 (Oui, tu es difficile.)時間14年前 (2011/04/24 15:50), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
自己PO自己回文= =, 我收到經紀人的回信了,大家也一起回個信支持Stars吧。 應該沒有翻錯吧= =,有錯再請大家指正吧:) -------------------- Hello! Thank you for replying to the message! My name is Eoin, I am the manager for STARS. 哈囉,謝謝你回覆訊息,我是Eoin,STARS的經紀人 In June, we are planning to release the demo recordings (the first versions) of the album In Our Bedroom After The War, and in September, a live album! 我們計畫在六月的時候推出In our bedroom after the war專輯第一版的demo帶, 九月則會推出Live專輯 The releases will be digital only. I would like to make sure that as many of our fans in Asia can hear about and buy the albums. 這些發行都只會透過線上管道購買取得, 我想要確認我們亞洲的粉絲有多少會聆聽及購買專輯 Can you please answer the questions below? Please give examples! 請回答以下問題,也請舉例 1 - Where do you read about music news (concerts, albums) online? Especially websites from your region or country 1. 你是在哪取得線上音樂消息(如音樂會、專輯發行)的? 特別是哪些台灣的網站? Answer: 2 - Where do you go to see live music? Concert halls, music clubs 2.你都去哪看現場演出?哪些音樂廳、表演場地? Answer: 3 - What music festivals do you go to or would you like to go to in your region? 3.你會參加或想參加台灣的哪些音樂祭? Answer: 4 - Do you know of a record label from your country that releases music that you like? 4.台灣哪些音樂品牌會發行你喜歡的音樂? Answer: Thank you for your help! 謝謝你的協助! We are planning on releasing a brand new record early next year and we will definitely be playing shows all across Asia. 我們預計在明年初推行新專輯,當然,還有亞洲巡迴演出。 -- 「我們都有翅膀。」遺落了紙簿,龍仔用大幅度的手勢這麼說。我勉強看懂了。 「妳、和我。我們都只有翅膀。」他又說。 語意不明,而我早已經知道,與龍仔的對話,必須添入三分詩意的想像。 我也學著他伸展雙臂,比劃飛翔的模樣。我們都只有翅膀。 晚風中的天台上,我們一起搧動翅膀,並且都笑了,一個有聲,一個無聲。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #1DizPXIb (Indie-pop)
文章代碼(AID): #1DizPXIb (Indie-pop)