[情報] RDA對新馬蓋先影集說NO

看板MacGyver作者 (basilisk)時間8年前 (2016/07/29 09:06), 編輯推噓6(604)
留言10則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.macgyveronline.com/news/anderson-says-no-to-reboot 這個新聞還沒再別的網頁看到,應該是SDCC相關的新聞,我只亂翻了一下RDA本人的回應 Anderson Says No To Reboot July 28, 2016 Richard Dean Anderson has declined the invitation to appear on the CBS 'MacGyver' reboot. In a statement made through his website dated July 25 he wrote... 1;33 "I'm not considering being a part of a project that has overlooked the insanely LOYAL FANS of the original character and has proceeded without considering how and why they all became and STAYED loyal fans... Yes, I was asked, but no, I won't be involved in the MacGyver reboot. I have tried to recognize that there really is a balance to be found here. Hence, my loyalty to my fans." RDA透過他的官網說,他沒有考慮加入只是為了照顧原始影集的忠實粉絲而加入新的影集, 而不考慮到說為什麼這些粉絲如此忠實的原因。 他也的確被問到是否加入,他的回答就是不會參與這個reboot的影集, 他也嘗試在為了照顧粉絲而出場和對原始影集的忠誠兩者之間取得平衡。 The statement his RDA fans rejoicing with many reflecting similar sentiments against the reboot saying he's wise to leave it alone. While other fans are wondering what exactly it is that he's referring to and if he's aware of the changes which have been made to try and bridge the original show with this new incarnation or whether he's based his decision on the, now defunct, first attempt. The invitation for Anderson to join the show was announced by Executive Producer, Peter Lenkov at Thursday's San-Diego-Comic-Con 'MacGyver' panel where in response to being asked if anyone had talked to the original stars Lenkov quickly responded that they had reached out to Richard to ask him to appear on the show. There has so far been no response from Lenkov or the CBS team. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MacGyver/M.1469754389.A.FAD.html

07/29 14:08, , 1F
07/29 14:08, 1F

08/01 08:05, , 2F
08/01 08:05, 2F

08/02 14:58, , 3F
也好 不用替新影集背書
08/02 14:58, 3F

08/10 13:34, , 4F
08/10 13:34, 4F

08/10 13:35, , 5F
嚴格來說不算反派 但是個垃圾就是了XD
08/10 13:35, 5F

09/16 08:15, , 6F
09/16 08:15, 6F

09/16 08:17, , 7F
09/16 08:17, 7F

09/16 08:17, , 8F
09/16 08:17, 8F

12/19 08:12, , 9F
12/19 08:12, 9F

12/22 07:16, , 10F
還是舊版的馬蓋先 值得回味 新版的感覺不太對
12/22 07:16, 10F
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文章代碼(AID): #1NcgmL-j (MacGyver)