[討論] C22 第10名 賽後訪談

看板NextTopModel作者 (正版型男...無誤!!!)時間9年前 (2015/10/26 15:54), 編輯推噓1(101)
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當集有雙淘汰 因為這位的分數較低 所以算往下面一名 當然一樣是懶人版 ========================================== What has the ANTM experience done for you on a personal level? “It’s a long story, but when I was younger, I was bullied. I’ve wanted to be a model for a long time, but I didn’t have the confidence because I was bullied. The show has given me a boost in what I can do and given me that confidence that I needed. It challenged me and gave a lot of ‘firsts’ like first photo shoots and runways. Now those firsts are done, I feel so much more empowered and I’m finally confidant. I can’t wait to do magazines and I ’d love to do a runway show, but at my height it will be challenge I’d love to try.” R: 对你个人而言,参加ANTM这段经历给你带来了什么呢? C: 这是一个很长的故事,但是在我还小的时候,我经常被欺负。我一直都想成为一个模 特,但是我没有信心。这个节目给了我所需要的自信和动力,它给我带来了很多挑战,很 多第一次,例如第一次拍照、第一次走秀。我已经迫不及待地想要为杂志拍摄和参加走秀 了。我的身高会是一个限制,但我很愿意尝试。 There was definitely some struggles for you throughout the season. What would you say was your biggest challenge? “I have muscle spasms that are a problem. My shoulders twitch and having to do crazy positions and challenges were actually painful. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or pity me, so I power through, but that was the challenge for me personally.” R: 在这一季的参赛过程中你肯定有很多挣扎和痛苦,你认为最大的挑战是什么? C: 我有肌肉痉挛的问题,当需要做很夸张的动作的时候我的肩膀就会抽搐,那真的很痛 苦。我不想要任何人为我感到可怜,所以我尽力克服了,这是对于我个人的一个挑战。 You sought solace in Mikey and a few others, but Mikey seemed to capture your heart. What was is about him that drew you in so deeply? “He was the first to comfort me in any way. I wanted a close friendship, nothing more, with Mikey. Everyone wants friends to turn to and lean on. I was in a house full of people, but I slept on the sofa downstairs most of the time because I kinda became a lone wolf. I just wanted to have a close friend and after living with a house full of these people, Mikey was the one who tried to comfort me first.” R: 你曾经从鲶鱼和其他选手身上找寻慰藉,而鲶鱼似乎抓住了你的心。是什么让你对他 陷得如此深? C: 他是第一个来给予我安慰的人,而我只是希望获得一段亲密的友谊,别无他意。每个 人都希望拥有能够倾诉和依靠的朋友。我身处一间充满了人的房子,但是大部分时间我都 睡在楼下的沙发上,渐渐地我成为了一个孤独的人。房子里住着这么多人,我只是想要一 个亲密的朋友,而鲶鱼是第一个来关心我的人。 鯰魚=Mikey What challenge or moment did you feel captured your best moment or showed who you really are? “The Vine challenge didn’t go well, but it was a moment that spoke to me. It was like my life of being bullied defined in the challenge. We tried to use an inside joke the girls didn’t get, which was a mistake, and the video we filmed was deleted, but the power theme was a personal moment for me.” R: 有没有哪个挑战或者哪个时刻你觉得是你表现得最好的、展示出你真实的自己的时候 ? C: 上一个挑战赛我们并没有做好,但是那是一个展现了我内心想法的时刻。在挑战赛里 ,我就跟我平时一样受到欺凌。那些小女孩没有能够get到我们的梗,这是我们做得不好 的地方,还有拍好的影片也被我们删除了。但是,力量这个主题是一个能够表现我自己的 时刻。 What do you hope viewers and people in general take away from your time on ANTM? “I hope people take away the fact that no matter what you look like or what your circumstances are, you can accomplish anything. I’m very short for a model, but I take a no excuses mentality when it comes to trying. Look at Nyle. He hasn’t let his circumstances stop him. Nothing should you hold back and never let the voice in your head bring you down. I struggled with letting that voice bring me down in the show, but I’m so much more confidant now.” R: 你希望观众能够从你在ANTM中的经历学到些什么? C: 我希望大家能够认识到,不管你看起来如何,身处怎么样的一个环境,只要你有心你 就能够完成你所希望做的事情。在做模特方面我真的十分不在行,但是需要去做的时候我 不会找借口。看看Nyle,他并没有因为先天的劣势而受到阻碍。做什么事情你都应该毫无 保留地去投入,不要被你内心的声音打败。在节目中我曾经因为内心的想法苦苦挣扎,但 是现在我已经变得更加自信了。 I also loved the moment when you comforted Nyle after Devin took his only way to communicate away so he could take selfies. Why did you feel in the moment? “My mom taught me to be caring. I was very sheltered growing up. I was raised in a loving home, and until I was 19, I didn’t really live. However, I know that you don’t get anywhere by being rude. Like with Ava, it was never my intention to spread drama. We were close, like sisters, and I had to tell her about DMA’s comments on her picture (after she won the Tyra suite). I had to get it out and couldn’t keep something like that from her.” R: 你在蟑螂头拿了Nyle用来跟别人交流的手机去自拍之后安慰了Nyle,我很喜欢这一幕 。当时你是怎么想的? C: 我妈妈教我做人要关爱他人。成长的过程中我被保护得很好,我在一个充满爱的家庭 中长大,直到19岁之前,我都感觉我没有真正地体验过生活的艰难。尽管如此,我知道无 礼会让一个人处处碰壁。就像Ava那件事,我的本意绝对不是为了搞抓马。我们很亲近, 就像姐妹一样,我必须告诉她DMA对她的硬照说的话(在她赢得了入住泰婊套间的资格之 后)。我必须说出来,不能让她蒙在鼓里。 蟑螂頭=Devin http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4076734401 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NextTopModel/M.1445846069.A.268.html

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10/28 10:08, 1F

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文章代碼(AID): #1MBTmr9e (NextTopModel)