[新聞] 馬文出新書已刪文

看板NextTopModel作者 (mtnattp)時間5年前 (2019/04/19 17:57), 5年前編輯推噓7(705)
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http://0rz.tw/V5Egi 馬文出新書 但摘錄擷取一下上面連結引人注意的部分文字 Plus, inside his possible return to reality TV! In an exclusive interview with RadarOnline.com, Cortes reveals an update on his life following Tyra Banks' competition show. Cortes, who appeared on Cycle 20, still keeps in touch with the show's production team. "They’re open about producing a reality show," he said. "Me and contestant Don Benjamin, we got presented an opportunity to do a reality show." 請問大家對上面文字怎麼解讀 ??? 是泰媽邀請馬文跟東回歸25季 ??? 還是只是一般新開的的實境秀 ??? -- 02/01:台綜板板主 同意我自請水桶 且 台綜板板主 在該板"有公告"其同意 04/14:實境板板主 同意我自請水桶 但 實境板板主 在該板"未公告"其同意 #1SjwwQX9 (Buzz_Service) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Buzz_Service/M.1555541658.A.849.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NextTopModel/M.1555667875.A.B7D.html

04/19 18:10, 5年前 , 1F
喔 對了 2019四月的Playboy Playmate是Fo 雖然跟本文無關
04/19 18:10, 1F

04/19 18:46, 5年前 , 2F
04/19 18:46, 2F
看樣子全明星第二季的機會越來越渺茫 然後節目感覺快掛了 ???

04/19 19:08, 5年前 , 3F
04/19 19:08, 3F
可以去 Buzz_Service板 看我的發文唷 (發文與"在實境版自請永久水桶"相關) (實境板板主未公告其同意此自請水桶)

04/19 19:39, 5年前 , 4F
04/19 19:39, 4F
Marvin Cortes (C20) 還是要叫他鯰魚 大家會比較有印象 ???

04/19 20:47, 5年前 , 5F
04/19 20:47, 5F
所以是不是馬文跟東有可能成為新節目的主持人 ???

04/19 22:13, 5年前 , 6F
04/19 22:13, 6F
覺得大概15年跟16年是馬文的轉折點 13年底開始 一直以來都有馬文為LGBT成員的相關八卦傳聞 15年爆料似乎最為嚴重 16年馬文消失在社群媒體一段時間 17年至今 覺得馬文賽後照 無論質量 感覺都是該季前段班 我甚至認為 15年下半年馬文的賽後拍照狀態就開始起飛了

04/20 01:23, 5年前 , 7F
04/20 01:23, 7F
三票成虎 但這句成語很像不能這樣用

04/22 07:12, 5年前 , 8F
04/22 07:12, 8F
https://www.datalounge.com/thread/12978191 現在突然發現我上面說15年的爆料 正確時間應該是更早的13年就爆了 只是15年再被翻出 2013/08/04 I used to get happy ending massages from Marvin when I lived in NYC. He would be fully nude as well. He was a nice guy. He told me one of his other clients was Ted Allen from Chopped and Queer Eye. Marvin was about 5.5-6 hard, average to small thickness. Not too impressive. He had a hot body though and loved to get his nipples bitten and licked while he stroked me. --- 2013/08/10 Marvin is 100% gay. He talked with me several times about a guy that he was seeing and how it was getting more serious. I am not sure why he did the happy ending massage thing? He was a very nice guy and a little shy. Maybe he needed the money? He did enjoy touching other guys though, Marvin would be fully hard the entire time he massaged me. We would always start the massage with me laying on my stomach on the bed. He would straddle me in the nude and work my shoulders, back, butt and legs. As he was doing this he would rub his hard dick along the crack of my ass and occasionally reach around and tease my cock and balls. He was very good at what he did. Like I said, he enjoyed having his nipples licked and bitten as he stroked me. He came every time I hired him and would encourage me to stroke him as he lubed up his own dick and guided my hand to it. One of the last times I hired him before I moved to the west coast he asked me to go down on him and he came on my chest. Based on the above I would conclude that he is gay and not bi.

04/22 12:13, 5年前 , 9F
04/22 12:13, 9F

04/23 06:46, 5年前 , 10F
今年說好的C25會不會上來 怎麼還沒有小道啦
04/23 06:46, 10F

04/23 08:44, 5年前 , 11F
04/23 08:44, 11F

04/23 09:14, 5年前 , 12F
這六年來超模應該花掉不少預算 所以泰媽要用遊樂園賺錢??
04/23 09:14, 12F
※ 編輯: mtnattp (, 04/27/2019 15:11:24
文章代碼(AID): #1SkPkZjz (NextTopModel)
文章代碼(AID): #1SkPkZjz (NextTopModel)