Re: [請益] 哪裡有專門介紹表情術語的網站呢?

看板Orchestra (管弦樂)作者 (pian e forte)時間20年前 (2005/01/28 17:35), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《msguagua (呱呱小姐)》之銘言: : 如題 : 比如dolice 溫柔地 scherzando詼諧地 之類的 : 線上有專門的音樂術語字典嗎? Naxos有一個介紹音樂術語的網頁 不過是英文的 -- I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies. Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just part of the way the world works. Anything that's invented between when you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things. --Douglas Adams -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 01/28, , 1F
非常感謝!!! 01/28, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #11-WTbAB (Orchestra)
文章代碼(AID): #11-WTbAB (Orchestra)