[新聞] 又有運動明星出櫃! 奧運游泳選手Amini
Amini Fonua 出生紐西蘭,代表東加王國 參加過2012倫敦奧運。
Texas A&M Student and Olympic Swimmer: I'm Gay
Tongan Olympian, former Texas A&M swim captain, and 2012 Big 12 breaststroke
champion Amini Fonua has decided to speak publicly about his sexuality and
defend his school from accusations of homophobia in an article in Texas A&M's
student paper The Batt:
Fonua, a senior telecommunications and media studies major, said many assume
maintaining his identity as an Aggie athlete and a gay man would be difficult
and controversial. Yet the Olympian said his story has been a “fairy tale”
in terms of what others have experienced and not the trial and battle many
perceive it would be.
Fonua said problems tend to arise when one must hide his or her true
identity. The Aggie honor code, he said, is not compatible with dishonesty
about one’s nature. “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal,” Fonua said.
And if you’re living in the closet, you’re living a lie.”
From his personal experiences, he has felt the need to defend the school
against accusations of homophobia. Fonua’s openness about his status as
perhaps the only openly gay male athlete at A&M comes amid a tumultuous time
for the LGBT community, both locally and nationally.
Texas A&M has been in the news over a student bill that would have allowed
religion-based discrimination against the campus LGBT center. We wrote about
it here.
The Batt continues:
In light of A&M’s perception as an LGBT-unfriendly campus, Fonua said
others will ask him how he functions in what appears to be a hostile
But he said these perceptions of Texas A&M as an unfriendly campus are
directly contradictory to the positive experiences he has had as a student.
“I think I feel inspired to defend Texas A&M and my experience, especially
with the Student Senate [bill],” Fonua said. “I’m kind of sick of having
to try to defend my school to other people, because I think it’s a very
small minority. Homophobia is at every university, it’s not just A&M. It’s
everywhere. It might be a little more prevalent here, but I do think that
people will sensationalize how something really is.”
Posted May. 7,2013 at 9:01 AM EST by Andy Towle1
果然,有了領頭羊Jason Collins,鼓勵的正面作用,是大於實質上那些批評的狗X意見。
出櫃也不再成為工作上的阻礙。像Robbie Rogers最近傳出被之前簽下來小貝的LA球隊招
※ 編輯: mohiwa 來自: (05/08 06:56)
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