Re: [情報] ray charles

看板RnB_Soul作者時間20年前 (2004/06/14 21:06), 編輯推噓1(101)
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作者 Brien (B-jam) 看板 RnB_Soul 標題 Re: [情報] ray charles 時間 Mon Jun 14 13:10:41 2004 ─────────────────────────────────────── Legendary Entertainer Ray Charles Dies ====================================== Ray Charles died Thursday of acute liver disease. He was 73 years old. His musical styles varied. His hits spanned generations, and he did it all after overcoming poverty and blindness at a young age, WESH NewsChannel 2 reported. Music was the cornerstone of his life, and as Charles often explained, it's a connection everyone shares. "Music is within all of us," Charles passionately stated. "I never met a person that didn't have music in them." Charles made his last public appearance in late April, at a ceremony granting historic status for his longtime recording studio in Los Angeles. However, his love affair with music began in Florida. When Charles went blind at age 7, the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind in St. Augustine took him in. It was there that he learned to read and write music in Braille. Charles began playing his live gigs in Florida, as well. But he struggled to find work and even titled a chapter in his autobiography "Hungry in Orlando." Former bandmates of Charles said they will always remember his talent, his dedication to his music and his voice. Saxophonist Leroy Cooper and trumpeter Philip Guilbeau knew it well, spending more than 20 years in his band. "He was always very serious about his music, even in the little band days. [He] would always worry about the right note being played at the right time," said Cooper. "He had good ears," shared Guilbeau, "might not have had no eyes, but you couldn't hit no bad notes and think you're getting away with nothing." The esemble traveled the world, trailblazing for future musicians, enduring the hardships of the road and difficulties of segregation. "You had the racial thing back then," explained Cooper. "You couldn't eat anywhere. It was pretty tough, but we still got on in the band and had a beautiful time because the music was intoxicating." After losing his eyesight, Charles was orphaned at age 15. He played both the piano and saxophone, dabbling in blues, jazz, country and big band music. Charles won nine of his 12 Grammy awards between 1960 and 1966, including best rhythm and blues recording three straight years. ============================================================================ 轉自 -- 我在哪? 視聽劇場 偶像, 音樂, 廣電 Music_Style 音樂 Σ音樂類型 RnB_Soul 音樂 ◎節奏藍調與靈魂 Brien "B-jam" John -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Brien 來自: (06/14 13:12) 06/15, , 1F
the man who created R&B will always be 06/15, 1F 06/15, , 2F
remembered 06/15, 2F
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