Re: babyface 專輯名稱可以給我ㄧ些意見嗎

看板RnB_Soul作者 (為了賣唱片還是要下海)時間19年前 (2005/09/27 17:28), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
: 超級難翻成中文...grown & sexy : 有人有什麼想法嗎 : 讓我參考一下 : 避免翻不好被打... 謝謝大家熱情參與 後來我發現我不應該侷限在單字上的意思 不管是熟男 還是 性感 當專輯抬頭都挺表現不出來歌曲的感覺 本來我還想要來鬧 翻成性感成熟時 最後我突然想通了 如果按照歌詞裡面的意念 他這首歌有提出十個觀點 似乎是要證明自己ꘊ在各方面都能給喜歡的人更多 所以我決定用最八股芭樂的翻譯給這張專輯定位 專輯名稱就是 愛情宣言 真的不好意思給大家添麻煩넊 bridge Baby come and go with me Come and share my world (Share my world) He can't give you half the things I can give you girl Things like love, because I'm grown and I'm sexy Or understanding, I do it all for you You don't need reason to believe him Girl, I got ten for you (chorus x 3) One, because I'm grown and I'm sexy Two, because I know much more Three, you know I got whatcha missin' (Unless you give me credit for my number four) Five, cause I don't need your money Six, I got a real good job Seven, I got cash Eight, I got a crib (Even got a diamond if you're down for it) Nine, is cause I know you better than you know yourself Ten, is cause I'm grown and sexy (like nobody else -- sonybmg blog jordy blog -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/27 23:29, , 1F
09/27 23:29, 1F

09/27 23:30, , 2F
09/27 23:30, 2F

09/28 01:41, , 3F
09/28 01:41, 3F
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