Corinne Bailey Rae

看板RnB_Soul作者 (BeezyWeezy!)時間19年前 (2006/03/02 15:39), 編輯推噓9(901)
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真漂亮的網頁 看那蝴蝶飛呀飛的 英國Leeds(有足球里茲聯隊)人 網頁個人介紹是說 父親是西印度群島人 母親是英國約克夏人(這樣說應該沒錯吧!?) 從小便生活在教會環境中 所以 權且將她放在R&B genre 女聲如果意在靈騷 必須親力親為才行 Corinne有一定的創作與演奏能力 與前面大家討論的Heather Headley相比 相信那種"人歌一體"的程度是要來得出色 Corinne的曲風帶有一點民謠一點搖滾 首單Like a Star一開始會不會讓人想到陳綺真呢? 二單Put Your Records On則是跟著即將出版的專輯差不多時候推出 空降UK chart NO.2 前頭也是空降的瑪丹娜媽媽 為什麼說她是靈性派呢 他用的樂器是接近原音 也就是非合成的 大方不失隆重 很自然 很純 加上她的嗓音可愛可愛的(不會形容......對了...慵懶,哈哈) 26歲的Corinne 也許會大小通吃喔(黑白通吃) 記得 聽歌時官方網頁要開著 才過癮啦 難得的UK R&B好貨 長得又正 滋滋 IT BECOMES SELF-EVIDENT THE MOMENT you hear her sing the very first note of her very first EP. It's called Like A Star, and it's a slice of sublime blues delivered with a voice that pins you, in the softest but most persuasive of ways, to the wall; a voice that floats up effortlessly, full of caress, subtlety and the very purest quality. It is wonderful, this voice, and surely a discovery to treasure, but it belongs to a young woman not from somewhere musically exotic - say, Mississippi or even Manhattan - but just east of the M1: Leeds. Her name is Corinne Bailey Rae, and she was born to do this. "I started off singing in church, I suppose, but people think it must have been a gospel church because of the whole, you know, black assumption," she says in reference to her mixed-race background. "But it wasn't gospel at all, it was just your regular brethren church, very middle-class, where we would sing these harmonies every Sunday. It was always my favourite part of the service, the singing." A move to a down-at-heel Baptist church followed, where the choir alternated between traditional hymns and the slightly less orthodox Primal Scream wig-outs. "We changed the words though," explains Corinne. "We didn't want to offend the regular churchgoers, now did we?" Singing in this way every week led to a broadening of Corinne's tastes and when her youth leader offered to buy her an electric guitar she grabbed the opportunity, quite literally, with both hands. So began her love affair with making music, and she soon developed a healthy appetite for one of the most innovative bands that rock and roll had to offer, namely, Led Zeppelin. "I loved that band during my teens," she says. "I wanted, somehow, to follow in their footsteps, and to create music of my own." This she has duly done. Via a faltering indie band, an English literature degree and a determination that simply would not wane, she has now arrived fully-formed, and with a musical poise that sets her head and shoulders above pretty much anybody you could call her peer. Her forthcoming debut album is sublime, full of tiptoeing delicacy and wraparound warmth, and one that merges the spirit of Billie Holiday with the statuesque soul of Erykah Badu. Even a cursory listen will tell you that its creator is something rather special. Corinne Bailey Rae was born and raised in Leeds, the oldest of three daughters to a West Indian father and a Yorkshire mother. At school, she studied classical violin to a high standard, but any ambitions to take this to a higher level were quickly scotched when the afore-mentioned Zeppelin adoration took hold. By the time she turned 15, Corinne was also obsessing over female-led, indie noiseniks like Veruca Salt and L7, and wanted to start her own band. And so she did. Its name was Helen. Helen? "I know, I know," she says in defence. "What can I say? We were 15 years old, and thought that Helen was a cheeky, indie kind of thing to do. It seemed clever at the time." She smiles. "Admittedly, it seems less so now." Uninspiring name notwithstanding, Helen began attracting considerable local attention. Good enough to elicit an offer of a deal from the home to all manner of guitar abusers, Roadrunner Records, all was going well until the bassist fell pregnant, and the band fragmented. "Disappointed? I was gutted," Corinne says now. "I had no idea what to do next." And so she went off to Leeds University where she studied English literature and spent evenings working as a modern-day hatcheck girl in a local jazz club. Every now and then she was allowed to sing with the band, and from those evenings new ideas began to form. By now, Corinne was writing songs that she wanted to perform solo, and was moving away from all things indie into more soulful territory. By the time EMI signed her in the spring of last year, she had 10 years of experience tucked neatly under her belt, knew exactly what she wanted and just how to get it. "I am a fan of jazz, but not the muso kind," she says. "I hate all the noodling, which is why I love classic songs: because they are so pure and succinct. That's what I tried to do with my own songs. They are short and sweet, to the point. I like the idea of leaving people wanting more, not less, you know?" And so, inspired as much by Bjand Massive Attack as, say, Jill Scott, she went into the studio and came up with her debut album. It is in Corinne's own words, "a little bit of everything: it's chilled out, acoustic, kooky, atmospheric and soulful. I'd also be tempted to say it comes from a very organic place, but that would sound pretentious, so I won't." And if she writes about the staple of all great soul songs - love - then she does so with less emphasis on its pink fluffiness than its unwritten complexities and multiple challenges. "I'm interested in the things that no one ever tells you about in relationships, about how love works in terms of expectation versus reality." Because of this, songs like 'Till It Happens To You, Like A Star and Choux Pastry Heart are unusually intimate, each sparkling with a storytelling honestly that her peers can only dream of. "The response so far has been amazing," she says, "and that has been very satisfying, because all this feels so right to me. Writing songs - playing music - is, I know, precisely what I should be doing with my life." And the response has been truly amazing. With her first very limited edition EP Like A Star entering the UK Top 40 in November 2005 and the first single proper Put Your Records On becoming a Europe-wide smash, the world is at her feet. Added to that a mountain of incredible press articles singing her many praises, magazine front covers, topping the BBC poll of Sound Of 2006, sold-out tour dates and the kind of radio and TV play that established artists can only dream of, there seems to be no stopping Corinne. The release of her debut album at the end of February 2006 will cement the fact that here is a brand new superstar, one whose voice will be heard for many years to come. Her name is Corinne Bailey Rae. She is 26 years old, talented and, by the by, very cute as well. She also has a firm handshake, and that's always a good sign, isn't it?(是滴!) The single Put Your Records On is released on February 20th on EMI Records / Good Groove.The album Corinne Bailey Rae is released on February 27th on EMI Records / Good Groove. 曲目(*****為最高) **** 1. Like A Star **** 2. Enchantment *** 3. Put Your Records On *****4. Till It Happens To You **** 5. Trouble Sleeping **** 6. Call Me When You Get This **** 7. Choux Pastry Heart **** 8. Breathless *** 9. I'd Like To *****10. Butterfly **** 11. Seasons Change 這裡有live版本下載 但是megaupload很爛 要一直刷網頁...... (Corinne和Goapele有異曲同工之貌,後者最近也出新輯, 也棒!) (又有點Nelly Fortado影子......) EMI我期待你 附錄 彈吉它
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03/02 17:27, , 1F
哈 我剛好看過他put ur record on的mv
03/02 17:27, 1F

03/02 17:48, , 2F
對了文章最後的 滋滋是什麼回事?!
03/02 17:48, 2F

03/02 18:31, , 3F
推 好好聽
03/02 18:31, 3F

03/02 20:06, , 4F
03/02 20:06, 4F

03/02 20:28, , 5F
我不喜歡UK RnB,也不喜歡這種甜甜的聲音..
03/02 20:28, 5F

03/02 23:48, , 6F
03/02 23:48, 6F

03/03 00:11, , 7F
他到底何時會出啊? 好期待歐
03/03 00:11, 7F

03/03 00:48, , 8F
蠻好聽 但不會想買~
03/03 00:48, 8F

03/03 16:53, , 9F
嗯,所以UK R&B一直沒啥突破,她離美國本土
03/03 16:53, 9F

03/03 16:54, , 10F
03/03 16:54, 10F
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