Re: [心得] 怎麼還沒人po心得?

看板RnB_Soul作者 (B-jam)時間16年前 (2009/03/20 01:34), 編輯推噓12(1203)
留言15則, 9人參與, 最新討論串2/5 (看更多)
歌單 有幾首我沒聽過而螢幕上可能是錯的,請幫忙補齊 Used to Be My Girl (from Ten) Never Too Much (A tribute to Luther Vandross) Love of My Life (from Superhero) The Only One for Me (from Anytime) [Here should be a song which he sang to "MAY"...but I forgot the title] Find Myself in You (from Ten) Cherish (from Back at One) (He only sang a little bit) Anytime (from Anytime) Just Say Go Why Can't She Be L.O.V.E. (These were performed by Niko McKnight & Brian McKnight, Jr.) Back at One (from Back at One) One Last Cry (from Brian McKnight) Last Dance (from Back at One) Shoulda Woulda Coulda (from U Turn) Crazy Love (from I Remember You) Cherish (from Back at One) [A song originally performed by Kenny Loggins but I don't know the title] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Brien 來自: (03/20 01:36)

03/20 01:42, , 1F
第七首只唱一小段的好像是"Ten"裡面的"a little too late"
03/20 01:42, 1F

03/20 01:44, , 2F
Never Too Much前奏一出來我整個人就尖叫了
03/20 01:44, 2F

03/20 01:45, , 3F
印象中還有唱Still in love
03/20 01:45, 3F

03/20 01:46, , 4F
03/20 01:46, 4F

03/20 01:51, , 5F
03/20 01:51, 5F

03/20 01:51, , 6F
a little too late 是他一人分飾二角演情侶那段
03/20 01:51, 6F

03/20 01:56, , 7F
好像叫"Jeannie"吧 原來你有記歌單
03/20 01:56, 7F

03/20 02:44, , 8F
安可曲Shoulda Woulda Coulda前奏一出來我整個人快哭了
03/20 02:44, 8F

03/20 07:15, , 9F
請問L.O.V.E要如何在youtube找到呢 覺得還滿好聽的
03/20 07:15, 9F

03/20 08:55, , 10F
樓上可以在他官網上下載 要花1USD 或者...我是已經買了
03/20 08:55, 10F

03/20 08:55, , 11F
03/20 08:55, 11F

03/20 13:38, , 12F
請問官網是老爸還是兒子的,我蠻想抓兒子的歌 謝謝阿
03/20 13:38, 12F

03/20 14:23, , 13F
兒子的love 不過現場版比較好聽!
03/20 14:23, 13F

03/21 12:13, , 14F
請問 樓上的 能不能夠share呢 謝謝
03/21 12:13, 14F

03/22 00:09, , 15F
03/22 00:09, 15F
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