Re: Dam-Funk Toeachizown

看板RnB_Soul作者 (搖籃灌籃)時間13年前 (2011/10/12 02:16), 編輯推噓0(003)
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※ 引述《wewontstop (Aquariusoul)》之銘言: : 某年某月的某日在這邊看到他的介紹 : 隱約記得看到一些關鍵字後 80 synth funk(或許再加些g-funk) 王子 : 心中的我就偷偷決定想要跟他來一下 : 直到最近才弄到這張大專輯 2CDs 將近140分鐘 (累) 有位版友還弄了個5LP : 大部分是instrumental : Dam (pronounced: 'Dame' as in Damon) : Damon Riddick— : 要很貼切的形容他的音樂真的不容易 : The sounds are so P-Funk and space aged yet so sunshine smooth and : laid back you can't help but feel good listening to this. : : If you’ve an interest in the : 1. rubbery bounce of Zapp, : 2. the synthesized sexual obsession of early Prince, : 3. the re-evaluation of the G-Funk Era happening every morning and afternoon : on the Los Angeles freeways thanks to the way-ahead-of-the-curve KDAY-FM, : 4. or LA’s nascent “bedroom funk” scene epitomized by Nite Jewel, : 5. or LA’s throwback-soul movement figureheaded by still-working-on-it crooner : Mayer Hawthorne… : Toeachizown is the first, uh, “project” with the grapes to even try to : condense it all, and go one or two further. : : Then Dam-Funk came into my life and pushed all of that shit aside, : 1. with his tight-ass DMX hand claps, : 2. gangster-smooth boogie funk synth squiggles, : 3. and some soulful, echo-y vocals in the background. : Goddamn! That shit hits it where it needs to be! : 4. Is that some FM string shit? : 5. Some Bernie Worrell basslines? : All of his synth shit is on POINT, too, taking me back to when my dad had : all sorts of synths around our garage studio—ready to get as prog-fusion : as he wanted, : : Riddick's roots in : 1. gangsta and New Jack Swing jackknife : 2. into ambient IDM R&B whatever, : 3. synth horizons heaving into sweat-heavy nights. : 4. It recalls everything from the edge of Chicago house : 5. to the sort of electronic soul music Yazoo used to say they made. : 6. Or imagine the debris of psychedelic Prince : 7. and non-obnoxious Neptunes swept under a Hudson Mohawke rug. : : 完整曲目及時間 : 長 每首歌都很長 : 上一張聽得這麼嗨的instrumental是City Lights Vol. 2: Shibuya : 上一張聽到這麼funky的R&B專輯 我忘了 : 最後再引用別人的評論 : : Don't feel like if you weren't born before 1989 you won't dig this. : This is awesome party music, and if you can put this on at a party : and no one moves, YOU'RE AT THE WRONG PARTY. : PS 雙cd 520元 應該不過分吧?
real shit... 現在誰還(敢)搞這種東西
音樂玩來玩去不就是那樣 一樣的靈魂用不同的肉體表現 未來就是過去 “Funk is NOT a fad… it’s a way of life” - D-F -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/15 02:12, , 1F
現在很多人不喜歡這樣的節奏 他們覺得很難聽
10/15 02:12, 1F

10/15 02:12, , 2F
我想可能有兩種解釋 一是聽電子的人覺得太黑了
10/15 02:12, 2F

10/15 02:15, , 3F
10/15 02:15, 3F
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