[翻譯] Dio - Straight Through the Heart

看板RockMetal (金屬音樂板)作者 (尬叉)時間3年前 (2020/05/19 23:08), 編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
我不當人類啦! 聽歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vDjoLOAA6k
lyrics: Hanging from the cobwebs in your mind 在你心中的蜘蛛網懸掛 It looks like a long, long way to fall 墜落的過程是條漫漫長路 No one ever told me life was kind 從沒人跟我說人生溫順 I guess I never heard it, never heard it all 我想我從未聽說,從未聽說 Living in a world of make believe 活在一個虛構的世界 I can hide behind what's real 我反而能隱蔽在真實身後 But wearing your emotions on your sleeve 但你總是將情緒表露於外 And they all know what you feel 於是他們都知道你的感受 And here it comes again 然後,又來了 Straight through the heart 椎心之痛 Straight through the heart 椎心之痛 Oh, never tell a secret with your eyes 哦,永遠別讓大家猜透眼神 It's the eyes that let you down 這雙眼神會使你悲傷 Tell a little truth with many lies 三分真實,七分虛假 It's the only way I've found 這是我唯一找到的辦法 Oh here it comes again 哦,它又來了 Straight through the heart 椎心刺骨 Straight through the heart 椎心刺骨 Shout to the wind 對著狂風咆嘯 How can you hurt me this way "你怎麼能這樣對待我" Oh once it begins 當它再次襲來 It looks like it's coming to stay 它看似就要賴著不走 Hanging from the cobwebs in your mind 在你心中的蜘蛛網懸掛 It looks like a long, long way to fall 墜落的過程是條漫漫長路 No one ever told me life was kind 從沒人跟我說人生平穩 I guess I never heard it, never heard it all 我想我從未聽說,從未聽說 But here it comes again 但它又來了 Straight through the heart 椎心之痛 Straight through the heart 椎心之痛 Here it comes again 又來了 Straight through the heart 椎心刺骨之痛 In the middle of the heart 突破你的心防 Now don't stand still, they'll get you 別站著不動,他們會找上你 Right through your heart 正中你的心防 And here it comes, here comes again 然後它又來了,它又來了 Straight through the heart 那椎心刺骨之痛 --- 本篇翻譯網址:https://bit.ly/2Xf7rHl 趁機置入一下網誌活動(中獎率幾乎百分之百) https://bit.ly/36bEYGi 你們的點閱和回覆是對我最大的支持! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1589900880.A.252.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1Um_PG9I (RockMetal)