Re: [心得] BSG最初的slogan

看板Scifi_Drama (科幻影集)作者 (Schadenfreude)時間16年前 (2009/03/25 20:54), 編輯推噓8(804)
留言12則, 8人參與, 最新討論串7/10 (看更多)
※ 引述《Adama (So Say We All.)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《AbsentSoul (Egalitarian-liberalism)》之銘言: : : 輪子?農作物?耕種?灌溉?蓄養?組織? : : 就更別提生活中完全不會注意到的一些小科技了 : : 隨便一樣都是幾千年發展的結果 : : 隨便一樣都能讓這小小三萬八千人的社群人口成長率大於 : : 其它的人類/尼安德魯人 : : 如果他們沒死光那應該幾千年後地球上就已經住滿Galactica的後代才是 : 別忘了 "Kara Trace is the harbinger of death and will lead the human race : to its end." @@ 雷 錯了 應該是 "Lee Adam is the harbinger of death and will lead the human race to its end, because he's a fucking moron who decided it was a good idea to throw away all your fucking medicine guns and technology and go down and live in the wild and fuck pre-historic human beings" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/25 21:05, , 1F
推一下 不過為了住在古代地球還是只能靠瘋狂的決定
03/25 21:05, 1F

03/25 21:55, , 2F
訂正錯別字: a frakking moron
03/25 21:55, 2F

03/25 23:52, , 3F
那段英文…critic 不過就是個 "drama" 不是嗎?
03/25 23:52, 3F

03/25 23:53, , 4F
如果真的看得那麼幹 收視率不會那麼高
03/25 23:53, 4F

03/26 01:57, , 5F
哈哈 中肯
03/26 01:57, 5F

03/26 03:37, , 6F
03/26 03:37, 6F

03/26 09:54, , 7F
It's just so friggin hypocratical
03/26 09:54, 7F

03/26 20:02, , 8F
03/26 20:02, 8F

03/26 20:02, , 9F
03/26 20:02, 9F

03/26 20:19, , 10F
03/26 20:19, 10F

03/27 16:26, , 11F
03/27 16:26, 11F

03/27 16:26, , 12F
拋棄所有科技 你覺得這故事要幾年會整個失傳?
03/27 16:26, 12F
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