Re: [問題] BSG兩名1號的碎碎念

看板Scifi_Drama (科幻影集)作者 (五七七(請給我愛))時間14年前 (2010/12/24 02:57), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
這段嗎? 332 00:21:36,500 --> 00:21:40,920 在你們所有的旅程中 有沒有見過一顆超新星? In all your travels, have you ever seen a star supernova? 333 00:21:41,000 --> 00:21:43,380 沒有 No. 334 00:21:44,550 --> 00:21:46,010 我見過 Well, I have. 335 00:21:47,090 --> 00:21:50,470 我看見一顆恒星爆發 並發射出構成宇宙… I saw a star explode and send out the building blocks 336 00:21:50,550 --> 00:21:51,850 的基本材料 of the universe. 337 00:21:52,520 --> 00:21:57,190 其他的恒星 其他的行星 而最後是其他的生命 Other stars, other planets, and eventually other life. 338 00:21:57,440 --> 00:21:59,100 一顆超新星 A supernova. 339 00:22:00,060 --> 00:22:02,150 創造了它自己 Creation itself. 340 00:22:02,230 --> 00:22:06,030 我在那 我想要親眼目睹 在那一刻身臨其境 I was there. I wanted to see it and be part of the moment. 341 00:22:06,610 --> 00:22:08,490 而你知道我是怎樣感覺... And do you know how I perceived 342 00:22:08,570 --> 00:22:10,780 這場宇宙間最為光輝的事情? one of the most glorious events in the universe? 343 00:22:12,580 --> 00:22:16,750 就是用我的眼眶中這可笑的膠狀眼球 With these ridiculous gelatinous orbs in my skull. 344 00:22:18,080 --> 00:22:20,170 用這雙被設計成只能感知狹窄範圍內的... With eyes designed to perceive 345 00:22:20,250 --> 00:22:23,460 電磁波光譜的眼睛 only a tiny fraction of the EM spectrum. 346 00:22:23,550 --> 00:22:27,510 用這雙被設計成只能聽見空氣振動的耳朵 With ears designed only to hear vibrations in the air. 347 00:22:27,590 --> 00:22:31,300 我們五個想儘量把你設計成接近人類的樣子 The five of us designed you to be as human as possible. 348 00:22:31,390 --> 00:22:33,350 我不想成為人類! I don't want to be human! 349 00:22:34,270 --> 00:22:36,180 我要看見伽馬射線 I want to see gamma rays. 350 00:22:36,270 --> 00:22:39,020 我要聽見X射線 我還要… I want to hear x-rays, and I want to... 351 00:22:39,100 --> 00:22:41,310 我還要聞到暗物質 I want to smell dark matter. 352 00:22:42,230 --> 00:22:44,230 你看到我這個個體的荒謬性了嗎? Do you see the absurdity of what I am? 353 00:22:44,320 --> 00:22:47,940 我甚至不能適當地表達出來 因為我不得不… I can't even express these things properly because I have to... 354 00:22:48,030 --> 00:22:50,070 不得不用這種愚蠢又有限的口語 I have to conceptualize complex ideas 355 00:22:50,160 --> 00:22:53,370 將這些複雜的意思概念化 in this stupid, limiting spoken language. 356 00:22:53,450 --> 00:22:56,120 但我知道我想要伸出的 But I know I want to reach out with something other than these 357 00:22:56,200 --> 00:22:58,540 絕不是這對適合抓握的手掌 prehensile paws 358 00:22:58,620 --> 00:23:02,500 而是去感受超新星爆發的太陽風拂過我的身體 and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. 359 00:23:04,500 --> 00:23:06,090 我是一台機器 I'm a machine, 360 00:23:07,340 --> 00:23:08,840 我本可以知道更多 and I could know much more. 361 00:23:08,920 --> 00:23:10,970 我本可以體驗到更多 I could experience so much more, 362 00:23:11,050 --> 00:23:13,680 可我被困在了這可笑的軀殼裡 but I'm trapped in this absurd body. 363 00:23:13,760 --> 00:23:15,310 為什麼呢? And why? 364 00:23:15,390 --> 00:23:20,690 因為我的五位創造者認為神希望如此 Because my five creators thought that God wanted it that way. 365 00:23:30,490 --> 00:23:32,910 你有什麼要說的嗎? You have something to say? 366 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:37,540 關於你對他所做的 你就沒有一丁點的懊悔? Don't you feel the slightest bit of remorse for what you did to him? 367 00:23:38,660 --> 00:23:39,950 還有你對我們所做的? What you did to us? 368 00:23:40,040 --> 00:23:41,080 不 No. 369 00:23:43,880 --> 00:23:46,170 因為他是錯的 布瑪爾 Because he's wrong, Boomer. 370 00:23:46,250 --> 00:23:48,920 沒有必要悔恨或是指責 There's no need for remorse or blame. 371 00:23:50,010 --> 00:23:51,670 我們並沒有限制你們 We didn't limit you. 372 00:23:51,760 --> 00:23:53,550 我們給了你們絕妙的東西 We gave you something wonderful. 373 00:23:54,720 --> 00:23:56,260 自由意志 Free will. 374 00:23:57,810 --> 00:24:00,430 創造性思考的能力 The ability to think creatively, 375 00:24:00,520 --> 00:24:03,270 帶著憐憫惠澤他人 to reach out to others with compassion. ※ 引述《honda0327 (Some本田)》之銘言: : 就被手牽手丟出艙外的兩名1號 : 飛出去的那段話去哪可以找到全文啊? : 中英皆可 : 就大概是說他想成為賽隆是因為想感受太陽風的吹拂 : 去探尋銀河深處之類的 : 上星期六HBO播的吧 在結尾的時候講的 : 因為那段話真的令人印象深刻 : 所以想再看一次那段 : 先感謝了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/24 23:32, , 1F
嗚哦哦哦哦太感謝啦 超有畫面的
12/24 23:32, 1F
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