Re: F/W 09 Campaign
看板Top_Models (名模)作者lavieboheme (消失在迴轉的路口)時間15年前 (2009/08/12 21:56)推噓2(2推 0噓 0→)留言2則, 2人參與討論串40/49 (看更多)
>> For those holding out for Christian Dior's Fall 2009 campaign
— since most other major brands have revealed their seasonal ads
at this point — you're setting yourself up for a big disappointment.
The brand — which posted a loss in profits last week —
decided to forego a traditional ad campaign this season because Dior
CEO Sidney Toledano found the formula "wanting," according to WWD.
由於財務虧損, Dior的CEO - Sidney Toledano
(John Galliano心裡應該很不爽...可惜的是他這季作品頗受稱讚)
Instead, the advertising budget — an undisclosed number —
was poured into a new set of the Lady Dior handbag campaign featuring
Marion Cotillard. The original set, photographed by Peter Lindbergh,
started running last November and a new set with Cotillard as "Lady Red,"
snapped by Annie Leibovitz, has been appearing in magazines starting
since the August issues (above). A sequel to Cotillard's short film for
the brand, which hit the Internet in May, is planned for December.
廣告預算將投入一款新的Lady Dior 手提袋"Lady Red"(Lady Rouge)
並延用上一季Lady Dior包廣告中的奧斯卡法國女星
- 瑪莉詠.寇提亞 (Marion Cotillard),
(by Peter Lindbergh)
新款的廣告則由名女性攝影師Annie Leibovitz捉刀
(今年五月的第一支Dior Lady Bag 短片 - Lady Noir
Toledano seemed satisfied in May with the brand's move toward using more
star power and away from seasonal campaigns that typically feature models:
"Now we have to give more meaning. People are looking for iconic products
and they want to see a product representing the values of a company.”
而非循在每季廣告中選用fashion model的傳統模式
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