Re: Carine Roitfeld將離開VOGUE Paris

看板Top_Models (名模)作者時間14年前 (2011/01/08 00:20), 編輯推噓1(100)
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防雷頁 日前賽馬結果以Emmanuelle Alt和Virginie Mouzat 奪下候選人寶座 就在剛剛經過兩個小時會議 結果出爐了 揪竟是不動明王Alt 還是電視女皇Virginie呢 好人客 不下個注嗎 答案是 Emmanuelle Alt! Emmanuelle Alt, editor in chief of Vogue Paris Alt was appointed editor in chief of Vogue Paris, announced Romatet Xavier , President of Conde Nast France. This appointment follows the departure of Carine Roitfeld and will be effective from 1 February 2011.Stylist and fashion editor for talent is recognized and respectedinternationally, Emmanuelle Alt 10 years was fashion editor of Vogue Paris.Emma has spent her entire career in fashion where after several years of collaboration in IT and many women's magazines, in 1993 she became fashion editor of the magazine 20 years. It occupies the same office for the magazine Mixed from 1998 and joined Vogue in Paris in 2000. 我希望她有新把戲可以玩 Balmain和Isabel Marant大家已經膩了欸太太 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: stu91309 來自: (01/08 00:33)

01/08 00:56, , 1F
01/08 00:56, 1F
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