Re: [新發行] Dinosaur Jr. / Farm

看板WWR作者 (野雞)時間15年前 (2009/07/13 20:28), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串5/6 (看更多)
※ 引述《ecstasy1008 (毛吱吱)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《skycreeper (Before Sunset)》之銘言: : : : : 我們對小恐龍滿滿的愛都在這裡 : 我懂了!我終於懂小恐龍的美妙了!!!! : 以前聽到小恐龍都沒甚麼感覺,沒想到剛剛把新專輯放下去 : 那種肥滋滋油膩膩、不修邊幅的男人味 : 我就JIZZ了... : 這種滿臉鬍渣的氣味,才是搖滾樂最粗糙真實的面貌! : 小恐龍!I GOT YOU!!!!! : 原諒我到現在才頓悟阿~~~嘶 吱吱人家可是鐵漢真柔情 不是為了把馬子耍帥的的柔情 因為他心裡住了一隻老鷹(店長說的) 再次推薦track.肆 這絕對是一隻大老鷹 幾個人能知道天空那麼藍但是有多麼寂寞 well i followed you that time things that touched me slipped my mind if you help me then ill try and ill believe you time for you to explain I've been caught up in my pain and it's really not the same you can see it I got nothing left to be do you have some plans for me I cant filter what I want see my face and see the cost all thats good that just got tossed and i keep waiting and i don't know what to drink i get twisted everything i need you to see me sing can you believe it i got nothing left to be do you have some plans for me I know you do now i know you came now i know you know my name don't let me be the same well I followed you for years I've got pain and I've got fears then theres moments when it clears and I've been waiting I've got nothing left to be do you have someplans for me I know you do -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/13 20:45, , 1F
I believe I can Fly
07/13 20:45, 1F

07/13 20:59, , 2F
07/13 20:59, 2F
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