
看板WWR作者 (Before Sunset)時間15年前 (2009/09/22 17:09), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/6 (看更多)
http://abramsbooks.com/Books/Grunge-9780810953178.html Grunge will feature images of bands like Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Mudhoney, Beat Happening, and Boss Hog. Beyond the bands, it will also include photos of kids at shows. 這本圖文書圖的部份是由Michael Lavine所拍攝,他是西雅圖知名廠牌Sub Pop的攝影師, 拍過Nirvana, Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Dwarves, Skin Yard, Screaming Trees等團. 字的部份是大家沒聽過也知道的Thurston Moore,對,Sonic Youth的老大Thurston Moore 主筆,關於NIRVAN,Smashing Pumpkins,Mudhoney等等當時在整個90年代獨立搖滾場景中 重要的樂團,搭配Michael的照片.並且談到當時西雅圖整個Grunge風潮,以及他和Kurt Cobain的友誼. 我想一定少不了Dinosaur Jr... 精裝書,圖文並茂,有沒有人想要買呀?! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/22 23:42, , 1F
哼哼哼哼哼哼哼...((舉手 很貴嗎囧
09/22 23:42, 1F

09/23 01:34, , 2F
感覺很不錯耶 很貴嗎囧
09/23 01:34, 2F

09/23 04:58, , 3F
09/23 04:58, 3F

09/24 10:39, , 4F
x33 (NTD)
09/24 10:39, 4F

09/25 17:31, , 5F
09/25 17:31, 5F

09/26 02:10, , 6F
09/26 02:10, 6F

09/26 17:29, , 7F
09/26 17:29, 7F

09/28 03:09, , 8F
egg roll
09/28 03:09, 8F
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