Re: [新聞] 克莉絲汀新專輯加量成兩張

看板WesternMusic作者 (We Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)時間18年前 (2006/06/10 10:16), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
: 克莉絲汀說兩張CD會有不同的調性,第一張強調的是復古與現代的結合,負責製作的大多 : 是擅長處理節奏的DJ與製作人, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 而第二張則是由與她合作默契良好的超級製作人琳達派瑞 : (Linda Perry)和克莉絲汀自己共同操刀,內容偏向內心情感的表達以及原創性。兩張 : CD的主軸都緊扣著專輯「Back to Basics」的復古骨架,加入了大量克莉絲汀最喜歡的 : 1920到1940年代的爵士、藍調和靈魂曲風。克莉絲汀希望透過同時發行兩張CD能夠更完整 : 地展現出她這幾年來的成長變化。( 原來 是一個叫Premier的DJ歐 還以為是誰呢XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Christina Aguilera的新??“Back to Basics”最近得到了一份出乎意料的音??助。 ?????在六月份?表。Gang Starr的DJ Preimier?????制作了五首歌曲。 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ >_< 爽翻了 The sexy first single, “Ain’t No Other Man,” produced by DJ Premier and Charles Roane, is set for release on June 12th. It will be world-premiered on the MTV Movie Awards on June 8th. Preme also crafted a song dubbed "Thank You" in which he provides the song's intro by scratching Aguilera's "Genie In A Bottle" and "Back In The Day," a homage to musical legends like soul singer Aretha Franklin and saxophonist John Coltrane. 恩 這件事 看在死忠的嘻哈迷眼中呢 該 Some hip-hop purists may blast the move, but I praise it. Christina Aguilera has an incredible voice, and she’s one of the most genuinely-talented pop stars on the market. (Also, the fact that Christina had the instinct—and the balls— to call on Premo speaks on her hip-hop knowledge.) DJ Premier deserves the mainstream exposure that this will give him; he’s put in enough dues to do whatever he wants. 我認同以上 本來挺喜歡這個瓶中精靈的 首張專輯 也是愛不釋手 但她開始脫了 之~後(Stripped) 就不太認識她了 如今 她回來了 還是 帶著 DJ Premier一起回來 太咳了 今年夏天 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/11 09:42, , 1F
06/11 09:42, 1F

06/11 11:12, , 2F
06/11 11:12, 2F

06/11 13:32, , 3F
06/11 13:32, 3F

06/11 20:14, , 4F
06/11 20:14, 4F

06/11 21:19, , 5F
哇 大家都說好 會去試聽看看的
06/11 21:19, 5F

06/12 02:06, , 6F
Stripped超耐聽 我到現在還是會拿出來聽
06/12 02:06, 6F

06/12 02:07, , 7F
06/12 02:07, 7F

06/16 00:54, , 8F
06/16 00:54, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #14YYkRdo (WesternMusic)