Re: [Orz ] 又有最新一季

看板X-files (X檔案)作者 (衝出封鎖線)時間7年前 (2017/04/23 12:45), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《kafel0936 (je ne pense qu'a toi清7)》之銘言: : 在臉書看到的,FOX會播,而且是完整十集(撒花 : TELEVISION The X-Files Is Returning for a New 10-Episode Season Joseph Hincks Apr 21, 2017 Fox has commissioned a second 10-episode series of The X-Files event series. Actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reinhabited their roles as (veteran) FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully for a revival of the paranormal spine tingler in 2016, some 13 years after the pair's original 1993 outing. After the success of the revival, which drew an average audience of around 16 million viewers, the show is coming back for a second time, Entertainment Weekly reports. “Iconic characters, rich storytelling, bold creators — these are the hallmarks of great TV shows,” Fox president David Madden told EW. “And they are some of the reasons why The X-Files has had such a profound impact on millions of fans worldwide." Fox and Scully's return, with the show's creator Chris Carter on board as executive director, prompted celebratory tweets from the longtime co-stars.For more on The X-Files event series' return, read Entertainment Weekly. -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Foxconn International Holdings Limited M510 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/23 23:03, , 1F
04/23 23:03, 1F
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