Re: [問題] 學bass先有基礎嗎??
※ 引述《lovemonster (中華第一啦!)》之銘言:
: 我是個新手~~
: 我想學BASS~!
: 不知道要不要先有基礎比較好??
: 請給我建議吧!
: 謝謝
it's a fucked up world a fucked up place everybody's judged by their fucked up
face fucked up dreams fucked up life a fucked up kid with a fucked knife fucked
up moms and fucked up dads a fucked up cop with a fucked up badge fucked up job
with fucked up pay and a fucked up boss is a fucked up day fucked up press and
fucked up lies while lethal's in the back with fucked up eyes hey, it's on
everybody knows it's on hey, it's on everybody knows it's on -- Limp Bizkit --
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