[歌詞] 「P.S.我愛你」電影主題曲"Love You till the End"

看板folkmusic作者 (塗太黑)時間16年前 (2008/02/14 11:33), 編輯推噓0(000)
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The Pogues-Love You till the End http://blog.xuite.net/tooodark/musicstation/15746303 Love You till the End The Pogues KEY: B [Intro]∣B ∣B ∣E ∣E ∣x4 B B E E I just want to see you when you’re all alone B B E E I just want to catch you if I can A A ∣E B∣ I just want to be there when the morning light explodes A A On your face it radiates E E B B I can’t escape; I love you till the end… [interlude]∣E ∣E ∣B ∣B ∣E ∣E ∣ B B E E I just want to tell you nothing you don’t want to hear B B E E All I want is for you to say A A ∣E B∣ Oh! Why don’t you just take me where I’ve never been before A A I know you want to hear me, E E B B E E B B E E Catch my breath; I love you till the end… I love you till the end… [interlude]∣B ∣B ∣E ∣E ∣B ∣B ∣E ∣E ∣ ∣A ∣A ∣E B∣A ∣A ∣E ∣E ∣ B B I love you till the end… ∣E ∣E ∣ B B E E I love you till the end… B B E E I just want to be there when were caught in the rain B B E E I just want to see you laugh not cry A A ∣E B∣ I just want to feel you when the night puts on its cloak A A I’m lost for words don’t tell me E E B B E E B B E E ‘Cause all I can say… I love you till the end… I love you till the end… [Interlude] ∣A ∣A ∣E B∣A ∣A ∣E ∣E ∣ B B I love you till the end… E E B B E E B B E I love you till the end… I love you till the end… All I can say… E B B E E B B E E B B I love you till the end… I love you till the end… I love you till the end… E E B B E E B B It’s all I can say… I love you till the end… I love you till the end… E E B I love you till the end… -- 有人要聽我彈「菊花台」嗎? http://blog.xuite.net/tooodark/musicstation/15730289 2008/02/12 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tooodark 來自: (02/14 11:56)
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