[求譜] 衛蘭-Morning

看板guitar (吉他)作者 (kohsouan)時間15年前 (2009/11/28 02:24), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
衛蘭-Morning When I hear the birds start singing I wanna see you Hoo, hoo, do do do do do... When I see the leaves start fallin I wanna see you The only thing I'll do Don't you know Is to rush and run to you When I hear the clock start ticking I start to miss you Ooh.. The only thing I'll do Is gonna dream of you Wanna stay by by by your side You are my everything You are my only link To the angel's wings Talk about love love and I can't stop thinking of you Such a crazy thing Like snow fallin' in spring (You know every morning) When I hear the birds start singing I wanna see you Ooh.. The only thing I'll do Is to rush and run to you When I hear the clock start ticking I start to miss you Ooh.. The only thing I'll do Is gonna dream of you I found my angel in my life I cannot see why I cannot see why We can't be in love till we die Wanna stay by by by your side You are my everything You are my only link To the angel's wings ----------------------- 非常喜歡這首歌 想要拿來表演 想抓後面彈和弦的那把吉他 可是小弟level還不夠 只知道應該是F調 大概能抓出一些級數 不過還是有些聽不出來 希望板上高手能夠幫個忙!! 先謝謝了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/28 19:55, , 1F
11/28 19:55, 1F

04/04 22:22, , 2F
好久以前抓過 依稀記得好像是D# 很難抓 所以沒抓完就放
04/04 22:22, 2F

04/04 22:22, , 3F
棄了 不過可以先抓D 再夾一格就好了
04/04 22:22, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1B41bCZ- (guitar)
文章代碼(AID): #1B41bCZ- (guitar)