Re: [建議] 假如有emule的.....

看板trumpet (小號)作者時間19年前 (2006/03/22 20:51), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《Duofilm (慈椿端佑康頤昭豫莊誠壽긩》之銘言: : 假如電腦裡面有emule這個軟體 : 可以去搜尋一下關鍵字"arban" : 或是 : rafael mendez - Arban Single Tongue Exercises (complete).mp3 : 裡面是教本28頁到36頁的mp3檔案 : 對於小號的學習應該很有幫助 : 可以用切檔案軟體切一切.... : 然後自己放出來跟著吹 : 應該會很有趣吧..... 試聽檔案 上面那個連結不只有試聽檔案 還有唱片背後的說明 下面是我偷偷從網頁上翻譯的 假如有錯請賜教... 唱片內容展現出重要的兩點: 1.對單音的控制能力與清潔的聲音 2.清楚的點音(attack) 這兩個重要元素被在本錄音中可以充分被聽清楚。The tongue is really a valve which starts and stops the tone by releasing and stopping the air stream.(不知道在講什麼,好像是在彈舌頭的時點是在活塞按下 去與彈上來的時候推送氣流????) 為了要吹奏出一個乾淨的點音,彈舌尖應該指著並且擺放在上下門牙的 中間。在支持聲音中,舌頭應該要放鬆到原本的位置,也就是舌尖在下排牙 齒。 有兩種不同的方法可以停止聲音 第一,用喉嚨將氣流切斷,這可以是緩慢也可以是突然的。 第二,藉由舌頭尖的舉起(raising),舉到之前點音相同的位置。在彈舌 的過程中,所有嘴巴肌肉形狀的扭曲,如嘴唇、臉頰、甚至是下巴 必須要避免,因為這樣的動作會損害乾淨、尖銳的點音,原因在於 他會妨礙自然的舌頭動作。 這一類不必要的動作可以藉由向中央 強力拉扯嘴唇肌肉來解決,藉由緊繃嘴巴周圍,保持嘴唇的強壯, 並且確定去防止嘴唇的強力伸張,或者是施加喉嚨的壓力。 曼德茲建議這些安邦練習曲19-23可以配合著節拍器的節奏練習,讓你 有機會可以個別確定每個音符,並且確保每個音有相同的點舌。 當剛開始的時候使用較慢的節拍,但是節拍應該要在練習之後漸進的 加快速度,並且超越錄音中的速度。 他建議練習的時候,伴隨著這些錄音,並且『確保每個音都像獨奏一樣』 。 以下是原文 Advice (taken from back of LP cover): He selected these Etudes because they demonstrate clearly two of the most important factors in fine trumpet playing - controlled single tonguing and clear, precise attack. These two factors are closely related as attention to the recordings will reveal. The tongue is really a valve which starts and stops the tone by releasing and stopping the air stream. To produce clear attack, the tongue tip should be pointed and placed exactly on the line between and behind the upper two front teeth. During sustained tone, the tongue relaxes to normal position with tip behind the lower teeth. Two different methods may be used in stopping the tone: First, and most practical, is to cut the air stream with the throat - which may be gradual or sudden. Second, by raising the tip of the tongue to the same position as for the attack. In tonguing, all forms of muscular twitching of mouth, lips, cheeks or chin must be avoided. Such movement will impair clean, sharp attack because it hinders free natural movement of the tongue. These unnecessary movements can be avoided by firmly drawing the lip muscles towards the center, holding the lips firm by tightening the corners of the mouth and making sure to avoid stretching of lips or tensing the throat muscles. Mendez suggests these Arban Etudes be practiced with a metronome set at the tempo in which he plays the first few measures of Etudes 19 to 23, thus gaining a chance to observe every note individually and to attain uniform attack. As control is attained in the initial slower tempo, the tempo should be gradually increased to and beyond the speed at which the complete Etudes are recorded. He suggests the performer practice with the recordings - and that the performer "make every note a solo". -- ┌─────────┐ │也請身受其害的同學│ │複議我的文章 │ └─────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/22 23:04, , 1F
03/22 23:04, 1F
※ 編輯: Duofilm 來自: (03/23 00:19)
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