Re: [問題] 如何把音吹直??

看板trumpet (小號)作者 (真他媽神!)時間14年前 (2010/04/03 16:29), 編輯推噓3(300)
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※ 引述《boyo (29大頭)》之銘言: : : 推 williee93:會歪嘴跟牙齒整不整齊也有關係耶 03/30 10:53 : : → williee93:我覺得只要聲音健康歪嘴是不太需要改的 03/30 10:54 : : → williee93:當然聲音不健康的話就需要改了.. 03/30 10:54 : : 推 williee93: 3:53 柏林愛樂超強歪嘴小號 03/30 11:06 : 這觀念是錯的 聲音健康只是吹奏小號的一部份 : 如何能持續的操作樂器發出聲音做出想定的音樂才是重點 : 當嘴唇周圍的肌肉用力方向錯誤的話 就只能做出片段 不完整的音樂 想表達出完整的音樂,應該focus在用氣的方法 : 小號是靠嘴唇周圍的輪閘肌帶動所有的呼吸及發聲 Orbicularis oris:口輪匝肌 呼吸與stretched or relaxed orbicularis oris無關 : 這關鍵做習慣的人其實也不太容易描述 : 號嘴上嘴 喉嚨打開 吸氣時下嘴唇放鬆隨呼吸往內縮 : 吸氣停止 舌頭頂住上排牙齒 發出"Tu"的聲音 : 嘴巴歪一邊跟牙齒整不整齊 其實沒啥關係 Philip Farkas: The art of brass playing, page 5, lane 6 A good definition of the brass player's embouchure might be this: The mouth,lip,chin and cheek muscles,tensed and shaped in a prescise and cooperative manner,and then blown through for the purpose of setting the air-column into vibration when these lips are placed upon the mouthpiece of a brass instrument.~But consider what this arrangement of "various muscles" must accomplish. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary mouth: the opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind containing the "teeth" and the tongue. Philip Farkas: The art of french horn playing, page 21,mouthpiece placement,lane 5:There are some excellent players who do play slightly "off-center",but this is due to some malformation of "teeth" or lips and certainly does not result from choice. Froydis Ree Wekre: Thoughts on playing the horn well,page 31,lane 7 Most players agree that the mouthpiece should be placed horizontally symmetrical in the middle of the mouth, as long as the "teeth" are relatively normal. 吹嘴會偏離嘴唇的中央和牙齒排列有關. 當我們把吹嘴輕靠嘴唇時,應該要對齊並靠在門齒的位置,我想極少數人(或沒人) 會靠在犬齒或臼齒上,但不是每個人兩個門齒中間那條齒縫會和人中甚至鼻頭成 一直線,所以在吹奏時從外觀上看,吹嘴自然會稍稍偏離中央. 如果吹奏沒太大問題,不會有哪個老師會叫學生改嘴型只是因為吹嘴不在嘴唇中央. 每個人身體構造與對事情的描述與理解能力都不同,老師不會一直用言語分析技巧, 重要的是示範並讓學生體會氣的運用.重要的原則掌握住,其他的就是靠練習找到 適合自己的方法. Froydis Ree Wekre: Thoughts on playing the horn,page 30,lane 20 Many horn players develop problems, because they spend too much time thinking and analysing their techniques. 銅管樂器很多觀念或盲點都是相同的. 找一個好老師與環境是有必要的,有些問題跟著老師或厲害的一群人吹吹,就會突然消失. 當我們在分享自己的經驗時有些事需要稍微注意 一些文章分享 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/04 10:07, , 1F
04/04 10:07, 1F

04/04 18:45, , 2F
04/04 18:45, 2F

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