Paul Rudd 保羅洛德 作品年表

看板wearefriends (Friends 六人行)作者 (Jessie)時間21年前 (2004/02/19 14:24), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Paul Rudd 保羅洛德 作品年表 ============================ 1994 Runaway Daughters 蹺家女孩 (TV)....Jimmy Rusoff 1994 Wild Oats 親親我的愛 (TV)....Brian Grant 1995 Sister 瑞德姐妹 (TV)....Kirbie Philby 1995 Clueless 獨領風騷....Josh Lucas 1995 Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers 月光光心慌慌:黑色驚魂夜 ....Tommy Doyle 1996 The Size of Watermelons 異想天開....Alex 1996 William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 羅密歐與茱麗葉 ....Dave Paris 1997 The Locusts 激情黑寡婦....Earl 1998 Overnight Delivery 愛情快遞....Wyatt Trips 1998 The Object of My Affection 欲擒故縱....George Hanson 1998 Twelfth Night (TV)....Orsino 1999 200 Cigarette 愛情萬人迷....Kevin 1999 The Cider House Rules 心塵往事....Wally Worthington 1999 Reaching Normal....Kenneth 2000 Wet Hot American Summer....Andy 2000 The Great Gatsby (TV)....Nick Carraway 2000 特警新人類II:機動任務 Gen-Y Cops 2....Ian Curtis 2000 Bash:Latterday Plays (TV)   2001 The Chateau....Graham Granville 2001 On The Edge....Kenneth 2003 The Shape of Things....Adam 2003 Two Days....Paul Miller 2003 House Hunting....Daniel 2004 Anchorman....Brian Fantana 2004 P.S. Last Update Date:2004.02.02 -- 姓名:Paul Rudd 保羅洛德     *電影作品:(部份) 本名:Paul Stephen Rudd        *獨領風騷 Clueless  生日:1969.04.06 *欲擒故縱 The Object of My Affection 出生地:Passaic,New Jersey,USA *心塵往事 The Cider House Rules 學歷:美國堪薩斯州立大學,美國戲劇學院*特警新人特2:機動任務 Gen-Y Cops 網址: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

推 02/19, , 1F
欲擒故縱 瑞秋好像是女主角
推 02/19, 1F

推 02/19, , 2F
推 02/19, 2F
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