[情報] 斷背山的大秘密 Brokeback's big secrets

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|| The Hollywood Issue || Brokeback's big secrets 斷背山的大秘密 Was Jack really gay-bashed? Will Ennis love again? What was Heath Ledger’s inspired addition to the script? Screenwriters Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana take us inside their runaway hit Jack 真的是被仇視同性戀者毆打致死的嗎? Ennis 會再愛上別人嗎? 希斯 萊傑又為劇本增加了什麼樣的靈感呢? 編劇 Larry McMurtry 和 Diana Ossana 帶領我們一窺他們成功叫座的內幕。 By Anne Stockwell From The Advocate, February 14, 2006 Brokeback Mountain Brokeback Mountain landing page at Advocate.com If not for Diana Ossana, it’s highly doubtful we’d be cheering Brokeback Mountain on the screen. Deeply moved by Annie Proulx’s 1997 story, Ossana shared it with her celebrated writing partner Larry McMurtry (Lonesome Dove, The Last Picture Show, Terms of Endearment, and so on). The two optioned Proulx’s work and, within weeks, finished a screenplay. Then they embarked on years of meetings with Hollywood types who said the movie would never be made. As everyone knows, Ossana and McMurtry won that battle. As awards season heads into the home stretch, they’re still winning. Speaking with The Advocate in Los Angeles—the acerbic McMurtry punctuating throughout—Ossana insists, “Larry and I never lost faith in our screenplay. I would get frustrated at times when people would tell us, ‘It’s the best script I’ve ever read.’ If that’s true, I’d think, then commit. Come on! Let’s do this thing.” 若非 Diana Ossana,我們會不會對搬上螢幕的斷背山這麼喝采是個很大的疑 問。被 Annie Proulx 在1997年的小說所深深感動,Ossana 與她頗負盛名的 編劇搭檔 Larry McMurtry 分享這個故事。他們選擇 Proulx 的作品,並在數 週內完成劇本。然後他們花了幾年的時間與不看好這會拍成電影的好萊塢人士 開會。眾所週知,Ossana 和 McMurtry 還是贏得了這場戰役。當電影獎項季 節進入最後的階段,他們仍然是贏家。與洛杉磯的 Advocate 代言人雜誌對談, Ossana 堅持,Larry 跟我從來不曾對我們的劇本失去信心。偶爾人們告訴我 們 "這是我看過最棒的劇本",我會很洩氣。如果那是真的,我會想想,然後 做。來吧,咱們來做吧。 Are you surprised by audiences’ reactions to this film? Ossana: It just makes me really happy that so many people are going to see the film and that so many are moved by it. The farther the film seems to go on the northern plains, into Sioux Falls, S.D., and Fargo, N.D., the quieter the audiences become. That’s some of the most conservative parts of the country. And those folks are going in just wanting to see a good story, and they’re just riveted to the screen. I mean, that was the point when I first read that story in 1997. I wanted to get it out in the world in some major way, and have people feel the things I felt when I read that story. 你們會對觀眾的反應感到驚訝嗎? Ossana: 這麼多人去看這部電影,這麼多人受到感動,讓我真的很高興。這部 電影似乎愈到北方,像是 Sioux Falls, S.D., 和 Fargo, N.D.,觀眾好像就 變得愈安靜。那是這個國家最保守的幾個部份。那些人只是為了想看個好故事, 然後他們就被螢幕深深吸引住了。我的意思是,1997年我第一次看到這個故事 時的反應就是這樣。我想為它找到出口,然後讓人們感受到我讀小說時所受到 的感動。 In the new annotated edition, Annie Proulx describes the man who inspired Ennis—an aging ranch hand she saw one night alone in a bar watching the young cowboys play pool. She writes, “Something in his expression, a kind of bitter longing…made me wonder if he was country gay.” In your growing up, were there people who were country gay? McMurtry: When I was a little boy I had a cousin who was gay who was a rodeoer. I didn’t see all that much of Cousin X— 在有注釋的新的版本中,Annie Proulx 描寫了從他得到 Ennis 靈感的男人, 有個晚上她看到一個上了年紀的牧場工人,孤獨的在酒吧裡看著年輕牛仔打撞 球。她寫道,"在他的表情上,一種苦澀的渴望...讓我想到他是不是一個鄉下 的同性戀"。在你的成長過程中,有誰是鄉下的同志嗎? McMurtry: 我小時候有個表哥是個競技牛仔,他是個同志。我對這個X表哥不 是很熟。 Cousin X? [Anne laughs] McMurtry: Yes. He lived with a schoolteacher in one of the towns in Texas, near where we set Jack’s life in the film. And the first vibe I ever got, I suppose, having to do with homosexuality was when we’d go up to family reunions, my father and mother would say, "Now, please be very polite to Cousin X’s gentleman friend.” We had no reason not to be. The gentleman friend was perfectly nice. And yet there was some anxiety in my parents that somehow there would be an awkwardness or something like that. There never was. I don’t even know what happened to Cousin X and his gentleman friend. They’re old enough to have died by now. X表哥? (本篇作者 Anne 笑著問) McMurtry: 是的。他跟一個老師一起住在德州的小鎮裡,靠近我們在電影中所 設定 Jack 生活的地方。我猜我第一次跟同性戀有關的經驗是我們參加家庭聚 會,我爸媽會說,"請對X表哥的紳士朋友(男性朋友)客氣點"。我們沒理由不這 麼做。那個男性朋友人非常好,但是我的父母仍然有點焦慮,不知怎麼總是有 點笨拙之類的。我甚至不知道 X表哥跟他的男性朋友是怎麼回事。他們現在年 紀可能很大了,也許死了吧。 No sense of “Be careful, Cousin X’s gentleman friend is liable to get you in a corner ”? McMurtry: [A near-smile] The reunions were held outdoors on the great plains. There were no corners where anybody could have got us. Ossana: I grew up in St Louis, and there were gay people in my high school. There’s an incident I remember very well. It really affected me. There were these two girls in my class. They were both very athletic, very nice girls, and they were together all the time. We just assumed they were best friends. But they did get made fun of for being queer. That’s the word everybody used back then. One girl it didn’t bother so much. The other girl, in my senior year she committed suicide. "小心點,X表哥的男性朋友可能會把你拖去角落" 沒道理嗎? McMurtry: (笑了一下) 那個聚會是在室外的曠野舉辦的,沒什麼角落可以讓誰 拖我們進去。 Ossana: 我在聖路易長大,我讀的高中裡有同性戀。有件事我記得很清楚, 我深深受到影響。我班上有兩個女孩,她們都很有運動細胞,人非常好,而且 她們總是形影不離。我們只是假設她們是死黨。但是她們被取笑是同性戀(或是 怪胎)。每個人都用這個字在她們背後講話。其中一個並沒有受到多大的困擾, 但是另一個女孩在我高年級時自殺了。 Proulx writes that she still gets letters from people who personally relate to the characters in her story. McMurtry: We just got a letter, very sad, from an Arizona cowboy. Ossana: He wanted to thank us and Heath and Jake for making this film. He said he felt like he was watching his story up on the screen. He said, “You know, I’m gonna be 70, and I feel full of regret. There were a couple of men that I loved, one of whom was married and had three children. We never followed through on any of it. We just didn’t feel free to do it.” Proulx 寫到她仍然會接到與那些角色有關的人們的來信。 McMurtry: 我們有接過一封信,很悲哀,那是來自一個亞利桑那的牛仔。 Ossana: 為了這部電影,他要謝謝我們,希斯和傑克。他覺得像是在螢幕上看 著自己的故事。他說,"妳知道嗎,我快70歲了,而我感到非常悔恨。我曾經 愛過幾個男人,其中一個結了婚並有三個小孩。我們從未讓任何一段感情堅持 下去,我們覺得無法自由的相愛。" According to Proulx, Wyoming has the highest suicide rate in the country—and most of those suicides are elderly single men. Did you two imagine Ennis’s future at all? Ossana: I think Annie has a story somewhere about Ennis as an older man, and he winds up moving in with Alma Jr. McMurtry: I don’t think Ennis would kill himself. Ossana: He’s too tough. That would be a sign of weakness, and it would leave a memory of him as being weak, and I don’t think he would want that. But I do think that Ennis knows that people probably know that he’s homosexual, and emotionally [at the end of the film] I think he makes a tiny bit of progress, because he agrees to attend Alma Jr.’s wedding. Finally he compromises— McMurtry: And doesn’t disappoint a woman. Ossana: It’s the first time in the film that he doesn’t disappoint someone, male or female. It’s a tiny baby step, but he does it. I just don’t know how much [more] he’s capable of changing. I think if anything, he might become even more homophobic and bitter because of what he did, what he gave up, what he lost, what he’ll never have. 根據 Proulx 的說法,懷俄明是全國自殺率最高的地方,而其中大多數是老年 單身男性。你們兩位有想過 Ennis 的未來嗎? Ossana: 我覺得 Annie 在某個地方有個關於 Ennis 老年後的故事,而他最後 會搬過去與小艾瑪一起住。 McMurtry: 我不認為 Ennis 會自殺。 Ossana: 他太堅強了。那可能是個軟弱的象徵,而且自殺會給他自己留下軟弱 的記憶,我不認為他會想要這樣。但是我覺得 Ennis 知道人們可能知道他是 同性戀,情感上(在影片的最後)我覺得他有點小小的進步,因為他同意去小艾 瑪的婚禮。最後他還是妥協了。 McMurtry: 而且不讓女人失望。 Ossana: 這是他在電影中第一次不讓某個人失望,不管是男人或女人。這是小 小的一步,像嬰兒一樣,但他做到了。我不知道他能改變多少。如果有區別話, 我覺得他可能因為他的所作所為,他所放棄的,他所失去的,以及他永遠得不 到的,而變得更恐懼同性戀,更苦。 Ennis is convinced that Jack was murdered with a tire iron. I don’t necessarily believe it. McMurtry: It’s what Ennis is feeling at the moment. But Lureen’s explanation is just as good. A lot of tires blow up and kill people. Ennis 相信 Jack 是被人用輪胎鐵圈所謀殺。我未必相信如此。 McMurtry: 這是 Ennis 當時所感覺的。但是 Lureen 的說法也很可信,很多 人因為輪胎爆炸而死。 Do people hope Jack wasn’t murdered? What do they believe? Ossana: We’ve been asked that [in every interview]. You can’t believe the things we’ve heard—for example, did Lureen’s father have him killed? A reporter walked up to me and said, “What really happened? I need to know.” I said, “What do you think?” He told me, and I said, “Well, if that works for you, then good.” 人們會希望 Jack 不是被謀殺的嗎? 他們相信什麼? Ossana: 我們(在每次專訪)都會被問到這個問題。你無法相信我們聽到的事, 例如說,Lureen 的爸爸有殺了他嗎? 有個記者走來跟我說,"我必須知道到 底發生什麼事"。我說,"你覺得呢?" 他跟我說他的想法,然後我說,"很好, 如果這對你有幫助,那很好。" Oh, that’s the most hateful writer answer. Ossana: But even Annie will tell you it’s ambiguous to her. When you see that [flash] on the screen, we tell people that [we don’t know] what actually happened to Jack. But it’s what Ennis thinks, and he’s been set up to think that by his entire past. This was his biggest fear, that something would happen. And the tragedy is multilayered. If Jack was killed that way, the guilt that Ennis must feel—maybe if he’d taken him up on it, this wouldn’t have happened. But also the fact that he’s not sure. What is more tragic than not knowing how your loved one has died? 喔,那是作者最讓人討厭的回答。 Ossana: 即使是 Annie,她也會告訴你她不知道。當你看到螢幕上閃過的畫 面,我們告訴人們,(我們不知道) Jack 到底發生了什麼事。那是 Ennis 所認為的,因為他的過去,他被設定會這麼想。這是他最大的恐懼...會有 什麼事情發生。這個悲劇是很多層的。如果 Jack 真是這樣被打死,Ennis 必定會感到罪惡感,也許如果他有跟他一起上去,這一切就不會發生了。 但他無法確定這是事實。還有什麼悲劇比你不知道你所愛的人是如何死去更 慘? There’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” for you. Ossana: So when he goes to Jack’s parents’— McMurtry: It’s when Ennis goes there that it becomes a great movie, that it becomes a tragedy. Ossana: The father’s talking about Jack—“Ennis Del Mar, he used to say.” The camera turns to Ennis and you see this little faint smile on his face, ’cause Jack was talking about him. Then the father says, “And then Jack was gonna bring another fellow up here.” And you go back to Ennis and his smile is gone. That’s when he realizes there was somebody else. That hurts too. But he knows in his innards that it’s his own fault. He can’t blame Jack for that anymore. And then he goes up to Jack’s room and he finds his old shirt hanging tucked inside Jack’s, and he realizes how much that man loved him—how deeply he loved him from the get-go. 所以對你而言,這個問題 "別問,也別說" 囉? Ossana: 所以當他去 Jack 的老家... McMurtry: 當 Ennis 去那裡時,這個故事變成一部偉大的電影,變成一個 悲劇。 Ossana: Jack 的爸爸談著 Jack,“Ennis Del Mar,他曾經說..." 鏡頭轉 向 Ennis,你可以看見他臉上淡淡的笑容,因為 Jack 說著關於他的事。然 後他爸爸說,"然後 Jack 要帶另一個人上山" 這時候你回頭看 Ennis 的笑 容消失了。那就是他明白這段關係有其他人的時候。這很傷人。但是他心中 知道這是他自己的錯。他不能怪 Jack。然後他上樓去 Jack 的房間,發現 他的舊襯衫包覆在 Jack 的衣服裡吊起來,他終於明白 Jack 有多麼的愛他。 I had to see the movie twice before I realized that later on, when Ennis had those shirts hanging in his trailer, he’d tucked Jack’s inside his. Did you two come up with that? Ossana: No. That was Heath. 我必須看兩次電影才知道這些,當 Ennis 把這兩件襯衫掛在他的拖車上, 他把 Jack 的襯衫套在自己襯衫的裡面。這是你們兩個想到的嗎? Ossana: 不是,那是希斯的點子。 What’s the stupidest question you’ve been asked so far? McMurtry: Somebody asked us if we could see ourselves writing a sequel about Ennis which has a happy ending. Ossana: We’ve been asked so many questions, some of which have raised the hair on the back of my neck. The first time we were asked if we felt brave for doing this, I was startled. The only time I felt any fear was when my daughter was in Laramie, Wyo., when they found Matthew Shepard. This was a year after we wrote the script, and it just hit home again, how from 1963 to the late ’90s it was the same. It wasn’t any different. 到目前為止,你們被問過最笨的問題是什麼? McMurtry: 有人問我們會不會再寫一個 Ennis 有個快樂結局的續集。 Ossana: 我們被問過很多問題,有些會令我脖子的寒毛直豎。第一次被問 到我們是否覺得這麼做很勇敢,我受驚了。唯一一次我覺得恐懼的是當我 的女兒在懷俄明州的拉拉密,就是 Matthew Shepard 被發現的地方。那 是我們寫好劇本的一年後。那再次說明,從1963年到90年代末期,都是一 樣,沒有任何改變。 Davidgood 注釋: 關於 Matthew Shepard,請看我下一篇關於 電影 "仇恨之罪" 的文章。 Some conservative pundits are saying your film attacks the myth of the cowboy. Larry, you ought to know: Does the myth of the cowboy need preserving? McMurtry: I’ve discovered that it’s very hard to demythicize the cowboy. It’s the most iconic American figure of all. Ossana: To say that we’ve attacked this masculine icon just seems silly. John Wayne and his movies will always be there. 有些保守的權威者說你們的電影攻擊了牛仔的神話。Larry,你應該知道, 牛仔神話需要被保留嗎? McMurtry: 我發現要去除牛仔神話是很難的,這是最鮮明的美國圖騰。 Ossana: 要說我們攻擊這個男性圖騰是很愚蠢的,約翰韋恩和他的電影永 遠都會存在啊。 You both live in red states. When you were working on this film, did you ever think about political aftermath? McMurtry: Never. Ossana: People are people. We all feel emotion. Every single person on this planet, and they’d be lying if they denied it, has felt loneliness in their lives. McMurtry: The gratifying thing is that this movie has played well in all color states, red and blue. It draws them in because millions and millions of families have some gay member, involvement, problem, something. And I think people are seeking understanding in coming to this film. We’ve tapped into the zeitgeist somehow or other. It’s something you can’t really plan—it either happens or it doesn’t happen. The zeitgeist was waiting there out of sight and we didn’t know. 你們兩個都住在紅色的州(共和黨的州,保守的州),當你們為這部電影努 力時,你們曾經考慮到政治的後果嗎? McMurtry: 從來沒有。 Ossana: 人們也都是人啊。我們都會有感情,地球上的每個人都曾感到孤 獨,如果他們否認的話,他們就是在說謊。 McMurtry: 不管在哪個顏色的州,紅色還是藍色(民主黨的州,自由開放的 州),這部電影都上映的很好,這是令人高興的。因為數以百萬的家庭有同 志成員,有牽涉其中,有一些問題等等,把他們吸引到電影院去。而且我 認為人們在尋求互相瞭解。我們不知怎麼的觸動了時代的潮流,這是你無 法計畫的,發生就是發生了。時代的思潮等在一個看不見的地方,我們也 不知道。 Who was the Texas-hairdo consultant? Ossana: Ang Lee and the production designer came to Texas. We took them to Wichita Falls. And Ang saw people that still looked like that, so that stayed in his and Judy Becker’s minds, I’m sure. 誰是德州髮型的顧問? Ossana: 李安和設計師來到德州,我們帶他們去Wichita Falls。李安看見 人們看起來就像這樣,所以那留在李安和 Judy Becker 的腦中,我很確定。 Let me ask you about attending the Golden Globes. Larry, I know this is not your first time at that rodeo— McMurtry: Yes, it was my first time. I’ve never been to an awards show of any kind until then. I’ve been nominated for Oscars and stuff; I just didn’t go. I never wanted to go. Still don’t, actually. [All laugh] But this movie is special. It’s up there with Terms of Endearment—at least as good, maybe better. 我問問參加金球獎的事。Larry,我知道這不是你的第一次... McMurtry: 不,這是我的第一次。我之前從未參加過什麼頒獎典禮。我被 提名過奧斯卡,但我沒去,我從來沒想去。事實上現在也是,(大家都笑 了) 但這部電影太特別了,至少比得上我之前參予過的 "Terms of Endearment" 這部電影,甚至更好。 When you and Diana won for Best Screenplay, you thanked your typewriter for keeping you out of the “dry embrace of the computer.” It was the most original acceptance speech I’ve heard in a long time. McMurtry: Thank you. I’ve got a better one if we win the Oscar. 當你跟 Diana 贏得最佳劇本獎,你們謝謝打字機,讓你們免於枯燥的電腦, 這是長久以來我聽過最贊同的得獎感言。 McMurtry: 謝謝,如果我們贏得奧斯卡獎,我還有個更好的。 文章出處 http://www.advocate.com/currentstory1_w_ektid25277.asp _____________________________________________ 我三更半夜爆肝翻譯這篇...全是為了李安板開板而共襄盛舉啊~~ 大家如果還看到什麼好的文章,最好是那種有內幕的,我再來翻譯囉!! 還有什麼悲劇比你不知道你所愛的人是如何死去更慘? 天哪...快哭了~~ -- Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. End...or Eternity? 結束...還是永恆... ~~ For《Six Feet Under》 ~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/14 05:32, , 1F
原來衣服交疊是希斯的主意啊 ,哇 ,他真的是 ...細膩
02/14 05:32, 1F

02/14 05:33, , 2F
還有什麼悲劇比你不知道愛人如何死去更慘 ,!我的心打
02/14 05:33, 2F

02/14 05:35, , 3F
了個淒厲又無聲的寒顫 !謝謝你的翻譯 ,強者 ,感動啊
02/14 05:35, 3F

02/14 07:14, , 4F
02/14 07:14, 4F

02/14 07:37, , 5F
02/14 07:37, 5F

02/14 10:13, , 6F
真是辛苦您了 <(_ _)>
02/14 10:13, 6F

02/14 10:13, , 7F
02/14 10:13, 7F

02/14 10:16, , 8F
02/14 10:16, 8F

02/14 10:50, , 9F
好優的編劇 心思細膩 有什麼悲劇比你不知道愛人如何死更慘꘠
02/14 10:50, 9F

02/14 13:04, , 10F
哇 謝謝原PO的翻譯<(_ _)>
02/14 13:04, 10F

02/14 21:17, , 11F
推..:)不過有個地方要更正. Diana Osanna是成長於St. Louis
02/14 21:17, 11F

02/14 21:17, , 12F
(聖路易),這是Missouri(密蘇里州)的大城.. 我在那兒待過,
02/14 21:17, 12F

02/14 21:17, , 13F
很喜歡St Louis. BTW,Brokeback Mt.在紐約12/9首映後一週,
02/14 21:17, 13F

02/14 21:17, , 14F
的12/16就加入聯映了. 算是很快的...:)
02/14 21:17, 14F
※ 編輯: Davidgood 來自: (02/15 22:53)

02/15 22:54, , 15F
02/15 22:54, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #13yEyxPt (Ang_Lee)
文章代碼(AID): #13yEyxPt (Ang_Lee)