Newsweek 的 Prize Fighters

看板Ang_Lee作者 (小羊羹)時間19年前 (2006/02/15 12:03), 編輯推噓18(1807)
留言25則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這是刊登在 Feb 6, 2006 Newweek 雜誌上的一篇文章, 標題: Prize Fighters 作者: Sean Smith & David Ansen 時間: 金球獎頒獎典禮前兩天 受訪者: 五位今年度最受矚目的導演(並入圍奧斯卡最佳導演獎) -Ang Lee 李安 (斷背山) -Steven Spielberg 史蒂芬史匹柏 (幕尼黑) -George Clooney 喬治克隆尼 (晚安,祝好運) -Bennett Miller 班內特米勒 (柯波帝:冷血告白) -Paul Haggis 保羅哈吉斯 (衝擊效應) 僅將與李安相關部分節錄並試著翻譯一下: (若翻譯不通順或有誤,請大家見諒並指正。) Q: Your movies this year tackled racism, terrorism, same-sex love, governmental intimidation and the ethics of journalism. It feels like we are in the 1970s again. Lee: Though it also feels like the culture HAS caught up this year. All of these projects had battles. "Brokeback Mountain" took eight years to get made. Steven Spielberg: "Munich" took six. Lee: So it's almost like fate. It looks like we planned it, but we didn't. 問: 各位今年的作品是在處理與 種族主義 恐怖主義 同性戀 政治恫嚇 新聞倫理道德 相關的議題。好像我們又回到了1970年代一樣。 李安: 其實並不是我們故意挑起這些議題,這都是我們現在所正在面臨的問題。(這句 不知道怎麼翻比較妥) 我們這些電影拍攝計畫其實都經歷了許多搏鬥。像斷背山經歷了八年才拍攝完成。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 慕尼黑花了六年。 李安: 所以這好像是命運註定的。看起來好像我們說好了今年一起推出這些爭議片, 其實並不是這樣的。 ============================================================================= 接著討論到了試片的問題.. Haggis: We only did one test on "Crash." I was sitting in the back of the theater, and you really can feel what the audience is feeling. But I also thought, "How could I have ever perpetrated this film on the American public?" [Laughter] Lee: Couldn't you do a screening with just friends and family? Haggis: No, because they'll lie to you. Clooney: They will. I would [Turns to Miller] I'd lie to you, man [Pause] I like your hair. [Laughter] 哈吉斯: 我們只做了一次"衝擊效應"的試片。我坐在電影院的後排,你真的可以感受到 現場觀眾對這部電影的感覺。但我也在想,我怎麼可以拿電影初稿來荼毒這些 美國大眾呢? 李安: 不能就找親朋好友來試片嗎? 哈吉斯: 不行,因為(他們就算覺得不夠好)他們也會騙你(說很好看的)。 喬治克隆尼: 親朋好友是一定會說善意的謊言的。我就會這樣。[喬治克隆尼轉過頭去 對著禿頭的班內特米勒說]:我喜歡你的頭髮。 ============================================================================= Q: Ang, were you surprised that "Brokeback Mountain" hasn't raised more protest from the religious right? Lee: I didn't know they would take a position of deliberate quietness, so that they wouldn't [inadvertently] promote the movie. 問: 李安,斷背山沒有引起太多虔誠的保守派人士的抗議,有沒有嚇一跳呢? 李安: 我沒想到他們會謹慎的保持沉默,以免造成宣傳效果。 Spielberg: Can I give my critics your phone number? You know, there's a real similarity for me in the tone of "Brokeback Mountain" and of "Capote." Miller: Well, I studied Ang's movies. Clooney: And stole shots from him. [Laughter] Spielberg: Both of your films cast a spell on the audience, because you don't rush your scenes. You're not running to take us anywhere. You're walking, and you're appreciating every detail. It's such a beautiful rhythm. Lee: If the movie is quiet I generally feel the audience is busy. That's when they're working. One of the most powerful moments in "Capote" is toward the end, when Capote's lying on the bed. He's doing nothing, and we do everything for him. 史蒂芬史匹柏: 我覺得 "柯波帝:冷血告白"的調調跟斷背山很像耶! 米勒: 嘿,我研究過李安的片子。 喬治克隆尼: 還偷學他的拍攝手法吧![笑] 史蒂芬史匹柏: 這兩部片彷彿對觀眾施了魔法一樣,而且並不急促。帶著觀眾一起慢慢走 入,體會所有的細節。是非常美的節奏。 李安: 我通常覺得一部比較沉默的電影反而會讓觀眾比較忙(要想)。像柯波帝:冷血告白 最後那最具震撼力的一幕,當柯波帝躺在床上什麼事都沒做,可是我們(觀眾)卻心 中波濤洶湧想到的所有的事。 ============================================================================= Q: You all worked with some amazing actors this year. Clooney: They were OK. Haggis: It was really all us. [Laughter] 問: 你們今年都與一些很棒的演員合作,聊一下吧。 喬治克隆尼: 他們還好啦~ 哈吉斯: 其實我們才是真正的狠角色! [笑] Q: Ang, you must have gotten tired of being asked if you worried that playing gay characters would hurt Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal's careers, because at one point you were quoted saying "I only wanted to do a good movie. I didn't care if their careers were doomed after that." Lee: I don't think that line worked well with the Screen Actors Guild. You know, it's very hard to praise your actors, especially during awards season. So I behave like a heartless, egoistic director-it makes them seem so much more brave. [Laughter] 問: 李安你大概對這個問題已經有點煩了...你會不會擔心扮演男同志會對西斯萊傑和 傑克居倫霍的演藝生涯造成傷害呢? 一度傳出你表示 "我只想拍攝一部好電影。我 才不管他們的演藝生涯是不是會完蛋呢!" 李安: 那個說法並不符合一般演員教戰手冊啦! 在頒獎典禮期間,想要特別的讚揚你的演 員是很不容易受到注目的。所以我裝成一個冷酷無情又自私自利的導演,這樣反 而容易讓他們得到同情,顯出他們很勇敢。[哈] ============================================================================= Q: Do you all storyboard your movies so that you know what all of your shots will look like before you get to the set? Lee: I never could storyboard my movies. Spielberg: What about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"? Did you storyboard that? Lee: No. Spielberg: Wow. Haggis: Jesus. 問: 你們都會在拍片前做分鏡表嗎? 李安: 我從來不做。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 臥虎藏龍也沒有嗎? 李安: 沒有。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 哇歐! 哈吉斯: 天! ============================================================================= Q: So many of your movies this year moved audience to tears. Do you cry easily in movies? Lee: It's getting harder and harder for me. It's like I deprive myself of that pleasure. When I was a kid, I used to cry so hard in movies that the whole row of people would stop crying and look at me. Now sometimes I cry just because the movie is so good. 問: 你們今年的作品有很多都讓人哭的一把鼻涕一把眼淚的。你們自己看電影也容易哭嗎? 李安: 我越來越不容易哭了。有點自己剝奪哭這個樂趣的樣子。我小的時候看電影是很會 哭的,常常會哭到整排的觀眾停止掉淚,轉頭過來看我怎麼哭成這樣。現在我看電 影哭是因為該作品實在是太棒了,喜極而泣。 Lee: What is the biggest crying movie of all time? Spielberg: "Bambi." When I was a kid, I would actually get up in the middle of the night and make sure my parents were still alive. Lee: "The Bicycle Thief." Each time I watch it, it is brutal. And the kid, at the end, after the father loses his dignity. Now I start crying even before it happens. 李安: 史上最催淚的電影是哪一部呀? 史蒂芬史匹柏: "小鹿斑比"! 我小時後還常常會半夜起來確定我爸媽都還活著呢! 李安: "單車失竊記"。我每次看每次都覺得殘忍。尤其是在最後,那個小孩在他父親 喪失尊嚴的哪一段。我現在是看到還沒到那一段就會哭了。 ============================================================================= Q: Ang, you grew up in Taiwan. Which movies inspired you? Lee: I always wanted to be a filmmaker, but I kept it a secret until I did my first movie. Spielberg: You never admitted it? Lee: No. I always felt ashamed. 問: 李安你在台灣長大的。哪部電影啟發了你使你想成為一個導演呢? 李安: 我一直就想拍電影,可是我在拍我第一部電影之前從來沒跟別人說過這個秘密。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 你從來沒坦承過這件事嗎? 李安: 沒有,我一直覺得想當導演這個志願有點丟臉。 Q: Because your father didn't approve? Lee: Yes. And because of the society I came from. Spielberg: What would your father have wished for you? Lee: Anything but this, I guess. Something practical. So film was a very repressed pleasure for me. I always had scenes in my head, but "The Vergin Spring" was an epiphany for me. After that movie, you cannot move for a long time. You feel you will see life differently now. [Pause] I always wished I could do something like that on screen. 問: 是因為你的父親不贊同嗎? 李安: 是的。而且當地的社會民情也不鼓勵當導演。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 你父親希望你做什麼呢? 李安: 我猜任何事,只要不玩拍電影都行。一些比較實際的職業吧。所以電影對我來說算 是一個非常被壓抑的樂趣。我一直會在腦海中想像一些場景。"處女之泉" 算是一個非常大的震撼。看完之後你會呆滯一陣子,甚至以不同的角度來看待人 生。[沉默]我一直希望有朝一日我也可以拍出這樣的場景。 ============================================================================= Q: You all got rave review this year. What's the most memorable thing a critic ever said about one of your films? Clooney: It's always the worst thing, right? Spielberg: I'll never forget what Rex Reed said about "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." He said the mother ship looked "like one of Mae West's earring." [Laughter] Lee: About "Ride With the Devil," Rex said something like "Those boys don't know how to say their lines." But he said the nicest things about "Brokeback." 問: 你們今年的電影都得到很多瘋狂又極端的評論。有史以來你們印象最深的批評是什 麼呢? 喬治克隆尼: 最糟糕的批評印象最深吧。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 我永遠不會忘記 Rex Reed 說 "第三類接觸" 裡的太空船像 Mae West 的耳環 。 李安: Rex Reed 說 "與魔鬼共騎" 裡的小鬼連台詞都唸不好。但是他對斷背山卻讚賞 不已。 ============================================================================= Q: If your movie is a commercial or critical failure, does it change the way you feel about it? Lee: No. Spielberg: Never. Clooney: Oh, no. That's over. [Laughter] 問: 如果你們的電影不賣座,評價也不好,這會改變你對你的電影的看法嗎? 李安: 不會。 史蒂芬史匹柏: 不會。 喬治克隆尼: 喔不! 我(短暫的的導演生涯)完了! ====

02/15 16:03, , 1F
辛苦了~ 感謝
02/15 16:03, 1F

02/15 16:06, , 2F
如果沒有李安, 我會支持小喬的 XD 他真是個有魅力的人
02/15 16:06, 2F

02/15 16:16, , 3F
02/15 16:16, 3F

02/15 16:46, , 4F
The Bicycle Thief一般好像翻做"單車失竊記"?
02/15 16:46, 4F

02/15 16:52, , 5F
太有趣了~~謝謝翻譯喔^^ 阿喬我喜歡你是對的XD
02/15 16:52, 5F

02/15 17:16, , 7F
02/15 17:16, 7F

02/15 17:31, , 8F
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02/15 17:39, , 9F
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02/15 17:40, , 10F
02/15 17:40, 10F

02/15 17:41, , 11F
02/15 17:41, 11F

02/15 18:32, , 12F
推!! 那個分鏡,李安的拍法好像真的很直觀哩,之前那篇
02/15 18:32, 12F

02/15 18:33, , 13F
02/15 18:33, 13F

02/15 18:49, , 14F
Rex Reed 是New York Observer《紐約觀察報》著名影評人
02/15 18:49, 14F

02/15 18:55, , 15F
The Virgin Spring 是柏格曼的《處女之泉》李安不只一次提
02/15 18:55, 15F

02/15 18:56, , 16F
02/15 18:56, 16F

02/15 19:35, , 17F
02/15 19:35, 17F

02/15 19:54, , 18F
02/15 19:54, 18F

02/15 19:55, , 19F
感謝翻譯!! 喬治真是太可愛了~~~~每個回答都好笑XD
02/15 19:55, 19F

02/15 23:33, , 20F
02/15 23:33, 20F
※ 編輯: yadayada 來自: (02/16 00:41)

02/16 00:42, , 21F
02/16 00:42, 21F

02/16 01:18, , 22F
02/16 01:18, 22F

02/16 01:22, , 23F
哇 ,很難置信李安事前沒有作分鏡表 ,天啊 ,天才嗎
02/16 01:22, 23F

02/16 07:00, , 24F
02/16 07:00, 24F

02/16 07:01, , 25F
02/16 07:01, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #13ygWR_6 (Ang_Lee)
文章代碼(AID): #13ygWR_6 (Ang_Lee)