[情報] 2011年2月12日RUMBLE 鬥轟@Pipe Taipei
$350 with a free drink
first 60 people through the door receive complimentary PULSE ENERGY DRINK
tablet( http://www.facebook.com/pulse.rawpower).
2/12 (六) Spunite vs Tranquility Bass pres. RUMBLE @ 台北 Pipe
(Drum n Bass, Dub, Dubstep Party!!!) with 世界無敵的 Funktion One 音響!
交通 MRT
PIPE http://www.pipemusic.com.tw/
VENUE : PIPE 台北市思源街1號 [公館水岸 自來水博物館旁]
No.1, Siyuan St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City [MRT Gongguan]
One of the biggest independent promoters in Taiwan; Spunite Productions
(Galaxy, Masago Massive, Danceport) and Tranquility Bass, fresh from the recent
JohnB and Matrix parties join forces for the first time to bring the audio
experience of RUMBLE.
Audiophiles' speaker of choice, Funktion One, will be installed for the party,
This is the Taiwan debut of dubstep and drum + bass on this sound system so
it's a chance to see what's been missing from the sub end frequencies.
SLS Lasers will provide visuals, Steven Vigar will be behind the lens and there
will be Pulse Energy Drinks giveaways for the first 60 people. Don't miss this
chance to hear the resonating sounds of drum + bass, dubstep and dub taken to
another level in deep frequency terrain.
國內知名派對團體Spunite與Tranquility Bass Production將聯手打造民國百年最盛大
drum’n’bass / dubstep派對,不僅有曾替Paul Van Dyke、高雄大型派對GALAXY帶來炫
麗奪目雷射光束的SLS Laser,更有惡名昭彰、令全世界舞客聞之色變的FUNKTION ONE
SOUND SYSTEM! 如果你沒有感受過被音壓震到汗毛直豎、心臟被低頻撕裂的快感,你千萬
不能錯過2/12在PIPE舉辦的RUMBLE!兩大派對團體精銳盡出,將派出七位 DJ兩位MC一同帶
22:00-24:00 LazyDaze vs Ting (roots dub 雷鬼) MC RORSCHACH 變臉羅夏
24:00-01:00 Jonathon (dubstep) MC RORSCHACH 變臉羅夏
01:00-02:00 C-Type (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa
02:00-3:00 Rich (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa
03:00-04:00 Subtle (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa
04:00-05:00 Lai (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
01/28 02:24, , 1F
01/28 02:24, 1F
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