Re: [情報] 2011年2月12日RUMBLE 鬥轟@Pipe Taipei

看板DrumNBass作者 (Brian)時間14年前 (2011/02/12 02:49), 編輯推噓0(000)
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今天去Pipe安裝Funktion One音響了!! 超級震撼的! 會讓你全身在震動 不跳也不行的聲音 調音師調好後我跟幾個DJ與Promoter都一直微笑 因為我們知道舞客會為聲音這個瘋狂! haha 感謝Audio 6(六角音響)的Funktion One 看看這個影片! 看看Funktion One音響的Power! ※ 引述《Atari (妙麗好可愛)》之銘言: : 入場350元/一杯酒 : $350 with a free drink : first 60 people through the door receive complimentary PULSE ENERGY DRINK : tablet( : 前六十位可以獲得贈送的活力能量錠 : 2/12 (六) Spunite vs Tranquility Bass pres. RUMBLE @ 台北 Pipe : (Drum n Bass, Dub, Dubstep Party!!!) with 世界無敵的 Funktion One 音響! : Directions: : 交通 MRT : 捷運公館站4號出口,往自來水博物館方向步行10分鐘,永福橋下 : PIPE : VENUE : PIPE 台北市思源街1號 [公館水岸 自來水博物館旁] : No.1, Siyuan St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City [MRT Gongguan] : One of the biggest independent promoters in Taiwan; Spunite Productions : (Galaxy, Masago Massive, Danceport) and Tranquility Bass, fresh from the recent : JohnB and Matrix parties join forces for the first time to bring the audio : experience of RUMBLE. : Audiophiles' speaker of choice, Funktion One, will be installed for the party, : This is the Taiwan debut of dubstep and drum + bass on this sound system so : it's a chance to see what's been missing from the sub end frequencies. : SLS Lasers will provide visuals, Steven Vigar will be behind the lens and there : will be Pulse Energy Drinks giveaways for the first 60 people. Don't miss this : chance to hear the resonating sounds of drum + bass, dubstep and dub taken to : another level in deep frequency terrain. : 國內知名派對團體Spunite與Tranquility Bass Production將聯手打造民國百年最盛大 : drum’n’bass / dubstep派對,不僅有曾替Paul Van Dyke、高雄大型派對GALAXY帶來炫 : 麗奪目雷射光束的SLS Laser,更有惡名昭彰、令全世界舞客聞之色變的FUNKTION ONE : SOUND SYSTEM! 如果你沒有感受過被音壓震到汗毛直豎、心臟被低頻撕裂的快感,你千萬 : 不能錯過2/12在PIPE舉辦的RUMBLE!兩大派對團體精銳盡出,將派出七位 DJ兩位MC一同帶 : 領你前往兇猛震撼的低頻國度!! : 22:00-24:00 LazyDaze vs Ting (roots dub 雷鬼) MC RORSCHACH 變臉羅夏 : 24:00-01:00 Jonathon (dubstep) MC RORSCHACH 變臉羅夏 : 01:00-02:00 C-Type (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa : 02:00-3:00 Rich (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa : 03:00-04:00 Subtle (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa : 04:00-05:00 Lai (鼓打貝斯DNB) MC Stoppa : 更多資訊:!/event.php?eid=157571220958972 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1DLOISwl (DrumNBass)