Re: [問題] 想換吹嘴...
Rim 號嘴環
Wide: Increases endurance. 寬的: 增加耐力
Narrow: Improves flexibility 窄的: 增加靈敏度
Round: Improves comfort. 圓潤的: 增加吹奏的舒適
Sharp: Increases precision of attack 尖銳的: 增加attack的精準
Cup 號嘴杯
Large: Increases volume, control. 大的: 增加音量和控制度
Small: Relieves fatigue, weakness 小的: 減緩疲勞
Deep: Darkens tone, especially in low register.
Shallow: Brightens tone, improves response, especially in high register.
淺的: 讓音色亮,反應快,在高音域特別奏效。
Throat 管喉
Large: Increases blowing freedom, volume, tone; sharpens high register
(largest sizes also sharpen low register). 大的: 讓吹奏時送氣更順暢,音量和音
色較好,但會讓高音域音準偏高 (最大尺寸的throat會連低音域都偏高)
Small: Increases resistance, endurance, brilliance; flattens high register.
小的: 增加耐力,回壓,以及亮度。 高音會偏低。
Backbore 後膛管
Combinations of size and shape make the tone darker or brighter, raise or
lower the pitch in one or more registers, increase or decrease volume. The
backbore's effects depends in part also on the throat and cup.
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