Re: [問題] 小說未來之光中的謎樣威脅

看板StarWars (星際大戰)作者 ( )時間20年前 (2005/02/23 15:44), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《BalENoboY (廣播電臺)》之銘言: : 奇幻基地出版的未來之光中奇斯人提到銀河系外的危機是指 : 之後的遇‧戰瘋嗎? 不是 Yuuzhan Vong本身不具原力能力 來自不同的銀河,對於其他種族有很強的征服慾 這種種族是1996年WEG紙上遊戲創造的設定之一 (Darkstryder: Kathol Outback, by Sterling Hershey, et al., copyright 1996, from West End Games) 提摩西也一向很喜歡把一堆東西拿來引用一下 Aing-Tii Monks this strange race of creatures inhabits the furthest reaches of the Kathol Outback, near the Kathol Rift. They are one of the few travelers who actually seem to be able to navigate through the Rift, having been seen emerging from the Rift on several occasions. As a race, the Aing-Tii are tall, edentate mammals whose bodies are covered by bony plates. They have four legs, although they most often stand erect. Their heads are covered by helmet-like plates, and are dominated by two large eyes. They have no visible mouths, but use a group of long, thin tongues to sense and communicate. The tongues are used for tasting, smelling, and feeling. Much of their bony armor is covered with intricate, painted symbols that resemble the markings seen on their strangely-organic starships. Their tails, also covered with thick plates, are prehensile and often used in defense and attack. The Aing-Tii are also Force-sensitive, although they don't use it and control it the way Jedi Knights do. No one is sure exactly why, but the Aing-Tii patrol the Kathol Outback between the Marcol Void and the Kathol Rift looking for slave ships. They incapacitate the slavers with their Sanhedrim starships, then free the slaves.
Yuuzhan Vong長這樣
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