看板WesternMusic作者 (愛在櫻花翩翩時搬家囉~)時間16年前 (2008/07/13 02:35), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Daniel’s message from Taiwan Current mood: cheerful Category: Life Hi everyone... I'm sitting in the Taipei airport lounge and waiting to fly home and resting my eyes on a small girl. She is staring at me and probably wondering why this strange man is wearing sunglasses in a dark gloomy lounge ... oh now she is hiding behind her Father's legs and smiling at me. I wonder where she may be going. Maybe she's going home or perhaps a holiday to Honk Kong or Thailand. My trip was amazing!!! I played the Golden Melody Awards which is sort of SE Asia's version of the Grammy's. It was surreal and strange. I had no idea what was happening and felt as though i was in a pinball machine. The characters and the clothing and artists were not of this world but i loved the experience. Everything is very regimented from what you say to how long you play. Oh me.... you know I'm going to do something that was not scripted, so i gave a Chinese artist a kiss on the cheek in front of Millions of people. The label told me not to do it so of course i did it anyway... Big Deal. I gotta be me right. I love Taiwan... the people were so gracious and kind to me. I will be back early next year to tour through Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, and China. It should be as amazing as it always is. My tour manager is yelling at me to get to the gate so i have to run. Blessings to you.... Daniel 9:31 PM http://kuso.cc/3BIp 原文出處 談到他在金曲獎親了囧令...... 他愛台灣 台灣人都很親切 對他很好 所以明年初他還會再來台灣開演唱會 (之前有人問他有沒有承諾還要再來台灣 SEE...他說了!!) DP真的好SWEET喔!!! -- If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking! http://blog.pixnet.net/terisawu <--專門介紹部落格小玩意 美味食譜 旅遊趣事 "愛在櫻花翩翩時"已經搬到痞客邦了喔!! 歡迎繼續支持喔!!(*≧ω≦*) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cuteterisa 來自: (07/13 02:37)

07/13 03:34, , 1F
借轉Jolin版,謝謝 :p
07/13 03:34, 1F
mlunlun:轉錄至看板 Jolin 07/13 03:35

07/14 18:11, , 2F
07/14 18:11, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #18UFcArO (WesternMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #18UFcArO (WesternMusic)