Re: [閒聊] 線上收看VMA 2009

看板WesternMusic作者 (R費)時間15年前 (2009/09/14 20:26), 編輯推噓12(1203)
留言15則, 12人參與, 最新討論串4/7 (看更多)
整理一下來自四面八方的撻伐~ 看來應該是真的了,不然不會有這麼多歌手出來講話。 P!nk Kanye west is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me. about 2 hours ago from UberTwitter My heart goes out to taylor swift. She is a sweet and talented girl and deserved her moment. She should know we all love her. about 2 hours ago from UberTwitter I won a home made moon man made by carey hart for "best use of an ex in a video" You shouldve heard my acceptance speech. It was AMAZING 26 minutes ago from UberTwitter (這個無關緊要但好好笑,是在說 Please Don't Leave Me) Beyonce is a classy lady.I feel for her, too.Its not her fault at all, and her and taylor did their thing. And douche bag got kicked out. HA 24 minutes ago from UberTwitter ========== 砲口一向很大管的胖凱也在她的部落格寫了一篇文章 Dear Kanye, What happened to you as a child?? Did you not get hugged enough?? Something must have happened to make you this way and I think we’re all just curious as to what would make a grown man go on national television and make a talented artist, let alone teenager, feel like shit. 胖凱炮火猛烈耶,整篇文章超語重心長的。XD ========== Katy Perry FUCK U KANYE. IT'S LIKE U STEPPED 0N A KITTEN. about 10 hours ago from UberTwitter These gaga oufits are from outer space. about 9 hours ago from UberTwitter There's a reason why beyonce is my hero. about 9 hours ago from UberTwitter Vma's we're amaze sack but why every1 gotta go ruin the top & bottom of it all, Kan** 2 Lil M*** get OFF DA STAGE IT AIN'T YO TIME 2 SHINE! about 8 hours ago from UberTwitter 這瘋婆也好兇喔 XD ========== Kanye West超沒誠意又酸溜溜的道歉 I'M SOOOOO SORRY TO TAYLOR SWIFT AND HER FANS AND HER MOM. I SPOKE TO HER MOTHER RIGHT AFTER AND SHE SAID THE SAME THING MY MOTHER WOULD'VE SAID. SHE IS VERY TALENTED! I LIKE THE LYRICS ABOUT BEING A CHEERLEADER AND SHE'S IN THE BLEACHERS! ........................ I'M IN THE WRONG FOR GOING ON STAGE AND TAKING AWAY FROM HER MOMENT!................. BEYONCE'S VIDEO WAS THE BEST OF THIS DECADE!!!! I'M SORRY TO MY FANS IF I LET YOU GUYS DOWN!!!! I'M SORRY TO MY FRIENDS AT MTV. I WILL APOLOGIZE TO TAYLOR 2MRW. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!!!! EVERYBODY WANNA BOOOOO ME BUT I'M A FAN OF REAL POP CULTURE!!! NO DISRESPECT BUT WE WATCHIN' THE SHOW AT THE CRIB RIGHT NOW CAUSE ... WELL YOU KNOW!!!! I'M STILL HAPPY FOR TAYLOR!!!! BOOOYAAAWWWW!!!! YOU ARE VERY VERY TALENTED!!! I GAVE MY AWARDS TO OUTKAST WHEN THEY DESERVED IT OVER ME... THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!!!!!! I'M NOT CRAZY YALL, I'M JUST REAL. SORRY FOR THAT!!! I REALLY FEEL BAD FOR TAYLOR AND I'M SINCERELY SORRY!!! MUCH RESPECT!!!!! =========== 目前還沒有泰勒妹那邊的聲音。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/14 20:38, , 1F
Kanye west is the biggest piece of shit on earth!!!!!!!
09/14 20:38, 1F

09/14 20:58, , 2F
09/14 20:58, 2F

09/14 22:18, , 3F
往好處想 感覺泰勒妹是因禍得福
09/14 22:18, 3F

09/14 22:43, , 4F
09/14 22:43, 4F

09/14 22:44, , 5F
09/14 22:44, 5F

09/14 22:53, , 6F
09/14 22:53, 6F

09/14 23:21, , 7F
泰勒妹很可憐 ~ 也不能怎樣 ~ 就傻住了!
09/14 23:21, 7F

09/14 23:38, , 8F
泰勒妹 真的在台上超可憐的那一幕表情整個不知該怎辦
09/14 23:38, 8F

09/15 00:16, , 9F T-Swift Speaks Out
09/15 00:16, 9F

09/15 03:36, , 10F
Kanye West這麼有才華卻沒有腦袋
09/15 03:36, 10F

09/15 03:46, , 11F
我想起某年金曲獎拜金小姐得獎 原為人卻說他心中最棒的Y
09/15 03:46, 11F

09/15 03:46, , 12F
是S.H.E. 真的很沒水準
09/15 03:46, 12F

09/15 19:08, , 13F
看完前面罵那人好爽早懶的看那人解釋了 pink好好笑xd+1
09/15 19:08, 13F

09/16 19:01, , 14F
突然想到 關於PINK的內文 有EX的MV不是SO WHAT嗎??
09/16 19:01, 14F

09/16 22:36, , 15F
應該是在說"so what"吧 XD 可是典禮她旁邊還是前夫耶!
09/16 22:36, 15F
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