Re: [閒聊] 線上收看VMA 2009

看板WesternMusic作者 (追殺比爾)時間15年前 (2009/09/15 00:33), 編輯推噓10(1006)
留言16則, 12人參與, 最新討論串5/7 (看更多)
泰勒回應 "Well, I was standing on stage because I was really excited because I had just won the award," she began. "And then I was really excited because Kanye West was on stage. And then I wasn't so excited anymore after that." 大致翻譯 我得了獎 站在台上非常興奮,Kanya上台之後我也感到很興奮 但(他說了那些話)之後我就一點也不興奮了 Said Swift, "I've been getting so many text messages and everybody's been really nice. So I've had a really, really fun night. It's been interesting definitely. It's definitely been an interesting night." 後來我收到超多簡訊 大家都對我很好 我真的覺得這是一個很有趣的夜晚 "I don't know him, and I've never met him, so..." she said. "I don't want to start anything because I had a great night tonight." 我不認識kanya,也從未碰過面 我現在並不想說些了麼(關於kanya的事) 因為我已經有一個很棒的夜晚 "They told me to stand by the side of the stage, and I didn't really know what was going to go down," she said. "But I thought it was so wonderful and gracious of her to do what she's always done. She's always been a great person before anything else. Before the talented artist, the superstar, she's always been a great person and I just, I thought I couldn't love Beyonce more tonight, than tonight." (在beyonce要領獎時 工作人員)要我站在舞台側邊 我並不知道接下來會發生什麼事 但我真的覺得beyonce真的是一個很棒的人 她除了是一個天賦異稟的創作者、巨星,更是個好人 (beyonce被發卡了) 今晚之後 我想我無法愛beyonce更多了 ------------ 最後一段看來,主辦單位在醉漢事件發生之後,趕緊想辦法彌補 可能的解決方式是 1. 主辦單位告訴碧昂絲她得奬了,希望她能夠在典禮最後補償泰勒 2. 主辦單位告訴碧昂絲她得奬了,碧昂絲說 我要讓泰勒再上台一次 3. 碧昂絲早就知道她得奬了,於是主動通知主辦單位,要再讓泰勒上台 我個人認為是3 因為VMA本來就是一個事先橋好的大型典禮 去年就是最好的例子 風光幫布蘭妮鋪復出之路 誰會得奬 誰會陪榜 明星們心裡都該有的底 只是沒想到完美的劇本 硬是碰上了失控醉漢 不過也意外賺到了收視率 (可憐的GAGA 瞬間被邊緣化) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/15 00:35, , 1F
虧 GaGa還掏心掏肺 (literally XD)
09/15 00:35, 1F

09/15 00:37, , 2F
我沒有看完整VMA,GAGA怎了嘛? 順講,表演很精彩和驚人
09/15 00:37, 2F

09/15 00:41, , 3F
vma每年幾乎都有新聞賣點 瑪妮親嘴 肥妮晃神 美妮歸位
09/15 00:41, 3F

09/15 00:42, , 4F
今年很明顯 榮耀降落在泰勒身上~~~ poor gaga
09/15 00:42, 4F

09/15 00:49, , 5F
GAGA 這場表演 棒到會起雞毛皮啦~~~~~!
09/15 00:49, 5F

09/15 01:56, , 6F
09/15 01:56, 6F

09/15 04:21, , 7F
推一樓 literally XD 本來GaGa應該會是今年焦點吧 = =
09/15 04:21, 7F

09/15 08:34, , 8F
09/15 08:34, 8F

09/15 08:36, , 9F
BTW,每次看完Single Ladies的大腿舞,都想去KFC點雞腿餐來吃
09/15 08:36, 9F

09/15 11:08, , 10F
推樓上,今年的大腿舞看的實在很過癮,話說KFC推了烤雞腿 XD
09/15 11:08, 10F

09/15 12:49, , 11F
我覺得2.3都有可能 不大可能是1 主辦單位應該不會主動提
09/15 12:49, 11F

09/15 12:49, , 12F
09/15 12:49, 12F

09/15 19:09, , 13F
I don't know him!!! taylor姊怎麼學的XDDD
09/15 19:09, 13F

09/16 02:36, , 14F
看來泰勒也是瑪奶粉之一阿 哈
09/16 02:36, 14F

09/16 19:03, , 15F
Beyonce真的很nice 做的好阿~
09/16 19:03, 15F

09/17 01:38, , 16F
gaga唱現場 也唱得太好了吧? 跟cd一樣啊!!
09/17 01:38, 16F
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