Re: [討論] 聖誕節有啥好歌推薦?
※ 引述《christin0311 (呆呆or小安)》之銘言:
: 如題
: 最近聖誕節快到了
: 由於小妹聽歌不夠廣
: 所以只知道聖誕節會唱Last Christinmas
: 所以想請問大家
: 有沒有推薦的歌曲
: 可以練一下 不論歌曲或是琴技啦!!
: 謝謝︿︿
Twisted Sister - Heavy Metal Christmas
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
7 leather jackets
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
8 pentagrams
7 leather jackets
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
9 tattered t-shirts
8 pentagrams
7 leather jackets
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
10 pairs of platforms
9 tattered t-shirts
8 pentagrams
7 leather jackets
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
11 black mascaras
10 pairs of platforms
9 tattered t-shirts
8 pentagrams
7 leather jackets
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
On my heavy metal Christmas my true love gave to me,
12 silver crosses
11 black mascaras
10 pairs of platforms
9 tattered t-shirts
8 pentagrams
7 leather jackets
6 cans of hairspray
5 skull earrings
4 quarts of Jack
3 studded belts
2 pairs of spandex pants
and a tattoo of Ozzy!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
※ 編輯: haiaku 來自: (11/30 23:58)
12/01 18:13, , 1F
12/01 18:13, 1F
12/01 21:38, , 2F
12/01 21:38, 2F
12/01 21:39, , 3F
12/01 21:39, 3F
12/02 13:37, , 4F
12/02 13:37, 4F
12/04 23:51, , 5F
12/04 23:51, 5F
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