[閒聊] Steve Vai Where the Wild Things Are

看板guitar (吉他)作者 (吉他阿帕)時間15年前 (2009/11/30 20:06), 編輯推噓1(103)
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美帝版 Steve Vai: Where the Wild Things Are-BD美版 http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=1841089 祖國中國台北版 http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e37532175 2785 史蒂威 範恩 野獸家園(2D9) Steve Vai Where The Wild Things Are 英文名:Steve Vai Where The Wild Things Are 品牌:頂峰D9 配置:杜比5.1等音效 ●英文直譯簡介: (以下翻譯的實在是太好了) Guitar legend Steve Vai will release his concert film and live CD Where The Wild Things Are September 29th, 2009 on Favored Nations Records. The show was recorded and filmed at the State Theatre in Minneapolis, MN before a sold-out audience as part of Vai's successful Sound Theories world tour.【吉他 傳奇人物史蒂夫奧鋼聯將公布他的演唱會電影和生活CD凡野生事情都主張聯合國記錄2009 年9月29日。這個節目錄制和拍攝前滿座,觀衆,在明尼阿波利斯,明尼蘇達州劇院的奧 鋼聯的成功正確的理論世界巡演的壹部分。】 Where The Wild Things Are is Vai's 21st solo project contributing to his 20,000,000 unit worldwide sales that have accumulated over his 30 year career. The 2 hour and 40 minute set contains several new tracks and re-orchestrated pieces culled from his rich catalog。【如野生的東西,是奧鋼聯 的21單人項目的貢獻,他20,000,000單位,有超過他30年職業生涯中積累的全球銷售。在 2小時40分鍾的設置包含幾個新的賽道,重新配器,以他豐富目錄宰殺件。】 ●DVD曲目: 1. Paint Me Your Face 2. Now We Run 3. Oooo 4. Building The Church 5. Tender Surrender 6. Band Intros 7. Firewall 8. The Crying Machine 9. Shove The Sun Aside 10. I’m Becoming 11. Die To Live 12. Freak Show Excess 13. Apples In Paradise 14. All About Eve 15. Gary 7 16. Beastly Rap 17. Treasure Island 18. Angel Food 19. Earthquake Sky 20. The Audience Is Listening 21. The Murder 22. Juice 23. Whispering A Prayer 24. Taurus Bulba 25. Liberty 26. Answers 27. For The Love Of God ●Bonus material: Band Interviews Behind The Scenes Jemini Distortion -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: npopboy 來自: (11/30 20:08)

11/30 20:29, , 1F
11/30 20:29, 1F

11/30 20:47, , 2F
11/30 20:47, 2F

11/30 23:29, , 3F
天阿! 真的是直翻欸 太利害了!!
11/30 23:29, 3F

12/01 00:02, , 4F
當然是買美版的 這還要考慮嗎!
12/01 00:02, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #1B4xLVnJ (guitar)