[求譜] Stereophonics Mr. Writer

看板guitar (吉他)作者 (搖滾人生滾呀滾)時間15年前 (2009/12/11 22:57), 編輯推噓0(000)
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原唱:Stereophonics 曲名:Mr. Writer 歌曲連結:http://tinyurl.com/yejrd5j --- [前奏] Em→D6sus2 Cmaj7 Em→D6sus2 Cmaj7 [主歌1] Em D6sus2 Cmaj7 Em You line them up,Look at your shoes,You hang names on your wall D6sus2 Cmaj7 Then you shoot them all. Em D6sus2 Cmaj7 You fly around in planes that bring you down to meet me who loves Em D6sus2 Cmaj7 You like me crashing to the ground [橋段1] D6sus2 Are you so lonely Cmaj7 D6sus2 You don't even know me but you'd like to stone me [副歌] Em G6 Mister writer why don't you tell it like it is A5 Why don't you tell it like it really is Cadd9 Before you go on home [主歌2] (同 主歌1) I used to treat you right, give you my time but when I'd turn my back on you, Then you do, what you do. You've just enough in my own view Education to perform I'd like to shoot you all [橋段2] (同 橋段1) And then you go home with you on your own what do you really know [尾奏] (同前奏) --- 個人覺得很值得一聽的歌曲 Kelly Jones的嗓音魅力完全展露無遺 和弦簡單卻相當好聽 也可利用開放弦再做一點小變化喔 -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/VOICEVOICE 先生女士 這裡頭就像迪士尼樂園一樣有趣哪 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: [部份違規或廣告推文已被系統自動刪除]
文章代碼(AID): #1B8btTco (guitar)
文章代碼(AID): #1B8btTco (guitar)