Re: [轉錄][閒聊] 台灣文革

看板media-chaos (媒亂(媒體亂象))作者 (經營職棒要有良心)時間18年前 (2007/03/17 11:25), 編輯推噓2(204)
留言6則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 KMT 看板] 作者: urban (經營職棒要有良心) 站內: KMT 標題: Re: [轉錄][閒聊] 台灣文革 時間: Sat Mar 17 11:21:56 2007 ※ 引述《npchen (np)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 HatePolitics 看板] : 作者: jerrytang (jerry) 看板: HatePolitics : 標題: [閒聊] 台灣文革 : 時間: Sat Mar 17 10:31:26 2007 : : CHIANG KAI-SHEK may once have been revered as a near-god on Taiwan, where he : led his Chinese Nationalist regime after being defeated by Mao Zedong's Com : munists on the mainland in 1949. But almost a third of a century after his d : eath, the memory of the old dictator is being effaced, with the removal of t : he generalissimo's statues and the renaming of many streets and even Taipei' : s international airport. 這段是說過去台灣把老蔣幾乎都做神來看 他雖然輸給老毛,可是他的獨裁政權在台灣被美化 然後他的名字出現在台灣很多街道跟台北的國際機場 但近三分之一世紀之後,開始被消除 : No longer mournedThis has provoked a political row, which this week engulfed : Taiwan's defence minister, Lee Jye. He was expelled from the Kuomintang (KM : T), Chiang's former ruling party, for allowing statues of the old nationalis : t to be removed from Taiwan's military bases. 這段是在講李傑被老K踢出家門 只是因為他拆了銅像引起老國民黨員的不爽 : Chiang's legacy has never been properly examined in Taiwan. Arguments about : the past are also fights over what the island should be in the future: a par : t of China (the view of Chiang Kai-shek and his political heirs), or an inde : pendent nation with a distinct, non-Chinese Taiwanese identity. 這段更有趣了 「在台灣,老蔣的遺產從來沒有被清楚的計算過」 但依據後文,遺產應該是指老蔣的「遺志」 可能是指根本沒人知道老蔣是認為台灣是中國一部份還是該建國 (這段挺詭異的) : The current government of President Chen Shui-bian, whose Democratic Progres : sive Party (DPP) leans towards independence (but which appointed a KMT man a : s defence minister), intensified its campaign against the generalissimo as t : he island marked the 60th anniversary of the 録28 Incident钗the KMT's violen : t suppression of protests against its rule on February 28th 1947. An estimat : ed 28,000 were killed. 這段是在說二二八事件中有約兩萬八千人死於國民黨的暴力鎮壓 : Blaming the massacres on Chiang and the 団utside鐠regime of the KMT, the DPP : announced plans to rename the giant Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei : as the 荘aiwan Democracy Memorial Hall鐬 and tear down the sanctuary's peri : meter wall. The central government dropped 静hina鐠from the names of many st : ate enterprises last month. There is talk of removing Chiang's portrait from : Taiwanese coins. 這段是寫說民進黨要譴責蔣政權跟老K的外來政權 其中經濟學人把中正紀念堂形容成「聖殿」 基本上這就已經是個諷刺...... : DPP leaders may be politicking ahead of parliamentary elections in December, : and presidential polls next March. But there is more at stake. By casting t : he 228 Incident as a clash between Taiwanese and KMT 団utsiders鐬 the DPP ha : s not only opened old wounds in Taiwan but also created anxiety in Beijing. : China's Communists may have been at odds with the generalissimo. But they fe : ar that Taiwan, by breaking with Chiang's legacy, may also be breaking away : from the Chinese mainland. 這段前面是在說民進黨的四大天王都在為了民調跟初選努力 後面則是說到中國的想法,雖然中國也很討厭老蔣 但他們懼怕台灣這種去蔣的模式會在中國發酵(促成去毛去共產黨?) 大略看了一下抓了幾個重點 全文看不出有譴責台灣政府去蔣的論點 標題的Cultural Revolution跟中國的文革也一點關係都沒有 聯合報引用這個文章是搞笑嗎? 如果這個全文翻譯在聯合報上 我看馬上會被愛國同心會踏平吧XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: urban 來自: (03/17 11:24) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #15-r-QTD (media-chaos)