Re: 小瑪和阿妹都是很棒的歌手..

看板popmusic (流行音樂板)作者時間19年前 (2006/03/04 02:01), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《Chariot (三少爺)》之銘言: > ※ 引述《victorwei76》之銘言: > > Mariah Carey is a true international superstar. > > But A-Mei...................................... > But what?? 這有什麼好比的 > international是什麼? 若非英語是20世紀強勢語言的“天時”配合 > 如何能造就你所謂的international superstars? > 實力不是這樣就能評比的 兩個都是好歌手 > 眼界不用那麼狹隘 西方強勢的文化輸出所定義的international > 不見得就代表一定比較優越、比較成功 > 如果強勢語言是中文 那麼今天全世界爭相傳唱的都會是華人歌手的歌 > so what? 也不代表那些歌就一定比較好 歌手就一定比較有實力 As Ang-Li's "Cruching tiger Hidden Dragon",it earned 20 billion dollars and it was one of the best 10 movies of the year. Ang-Li,a Chinese director and winner of Oscar Academy Awards, influences Hollywood's culture a lot. Therefore,anyone who is talent becomes famous internationally. So language isn't the only factor of success. -- ┌─────KKCITY─────┐─┐KKADSL六星級優質連線服務 └─ 馬上申請帶你上網環遊全世界! └──From: ──┘ KKADSL --
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