Re: 小瑪和阿妹都是很棒的歌手..
※ 引述《jjspa》之銘言:
> ※ 引述《victorwei76》之銘言:
> > As Ang-Lee's "Cruching Tiger Hidden Dragon",it earned 20 billion US dollars
> > and it was one of the best 10 movies of the year.
> > Ang-Lee,a Chinese director and winner of Oscar Academy Awards,
> > influences Hollywood's culture a lot.
> > Therefore,anyone who is talent becomes famous internationally.
> > So language isn't the only factor of success.
> > 所以有實力的人哪有分啥語言跟國界,電影是如此,音樂也是...
> 說的好
> 推...................................
haplus 吐什麼?什麼英文強勢文化 看不懂英文嗎?
Ang-Lee's "Cruching Tiger Hidden Didden Dragon" 20 billion US dollars
在美國上映是 英文發音上映嗎?奧斯卡入圍多項 一舉奪得幾個大獎全是因為
Ang-Lee 的實力! 請問安立奎 是唱英文嗎 成為國際巨星嗎?有實力"中文" "西班牙文"
管她什麼語言 "Chuching Tiger Hidden Dragon"就是活生生例子!
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