Re: [問題] 問一段台詞

看板StarWars (星際大戰)作者 (蛇老大)時間19年前 (2005/05/25 22:19), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《alankaren (alan)》之銘言: : 就是白普廷誘惑Anakin的那一段 預告片也有的 : 很長一段沒有換氣的講完 : 什麼....Dark side force ....passaway many ability : ...consider to be unnatural... : than Anakin 說:It's possible to learen this power? : 有人可以提供嗎? : 大感謝 Palpatine: Dark side of the Force is a path way to many abilities... some considered to be..un-natural... Anakin: Is it posibble to learn this power? Palpatine: Not from a Jedi. Palpatine: Learn to know the dark side of the Force, and you'll achieve a power greater than any Jedi.(預告版) Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi, and save Padme's life.. (電影版..可能有誤XD) -- 台灣有個ㄡˊㄚˋ酣吉 它是ㄡˊㄚˋ,它也是酣吉.... 新疆有個伊斯蘭教 它是伊斯,它也是....嗯....你知道的.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 05/26, , 1F
挖~~真強者 05/26, 1F
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